Player: FlyingSquirrel
Character Full Name: Clairvoyance 'Claire' Hart
Character In-Game Name: Claire
Nickname(s): Claire
Association(s): She's primarily a mercenary. However, if Ironforge falls under direct attack, she will run to it's defense.
Race: Human
Class: Tinker
Age: 28
Sex: Female
Hair: Platinum blonde. She rarely lets it past the nape of her neck.
Eyes: Green
Weight: 240
Height: 5'9
Claire wears a white sleeveless shirt, blue and purple skirt and mid-calf shoes. As well as this, she wears leather gloves, but often takes these off and stuffs them into her belt. Her belt also has a holster, in which a Flintlock pistol rests.
Other: She carries her weapons of choice in a backpack, which is often slung over her back. She always has her Gnomish Army Knife on her, as well as a pair of goggles. The Army Knife contains a knife, a wrench and a magically-powered blowtorch. Her obsession for engineering has led to her often lacking significant money. She usually only has a few silver on her, if even.
Claire is much like a Dwarf in her behavior. She's pretty Eastern Kingdoms Alliance supremacist, often being rude to most people of any race outside of Human, Gnome or Dwarf. Once you get to know her, however, she's a very loyal friend. Same with if you're paying her. She's claustrophobic.
She is, on average, a very jolly person and her racism only stretches to her making snide remarks, which seem to be an average in Azeroth. She's obsessed with her machinery and can talk about it for hours.
Clairvoyance was born to a pair of Human refugees that lived in Ironforge. Her parents often squandered what little wealth they garnered on mind-altering substances and, at the time of her birth, they were under such effects. In their mind-addled states, they decided it was a good idea to name their daughter 'Clairvoyance', so that she always see past the deceit of life. Before she could remember anything else, the Second War came. Her parents were called to by the Government to protect their temporary home. Seeing as they were taller then the average Dwarf, the Humans made very easy targets, and were quickly killed off by those with actual experience in fighting.
Clairvoyance was taken in by an odd mixture between a Gnomish engineer and a Dwarven Steamwarrior. Her adoptive parents, hoping that she would follow in their footsteps, were delighted when they found that she had an aptitude for all things mechanical. However, there was a problem; Claire suffered from claustrophobia. Whenever she was put into something as small as a Steamwarrior's suit, she would cry and scream up a storm. A space the size of Ironforge didn't scare here, but if she could touch both sides of whatever she was in, she'd feel indescribable terror.
Her parents and her were relatively well off. Sure, there were some nights where they went hungry, but most nights, everyone was well-fed and happy. It was in her 14th year that her father died and then in her 17th that her mother died. Her father left her his Steam Armor, and her mother left her the Gnomish Army Knife that had served the Gnome so well. Claire took the blueprints she'd spent years working on and dismantled her father's old suit, building it into the weapons she had today. She sold the rest of the parts, bought a Flintlock Pistol and tried to figure out what to do with her life.
Her answer came when the new continent of Kalimdor was discovered. She immediately made her way to the continent and offered her services to the Humans as whatever they needed. She basically was given the job of clearing swathes of wildlife, along with a few others, to make new room for the settlers. Everything worked out fine. The other people she worked with were nice enough and saved her from wounds multiple times over. However, then the influx of settlers began to slow down, and Claire lost a job.
She made her way south and worked for the Goblins, fighting back Trolls, Ogres and all sorts of nasties for a few years, before making her way off. Currently, she's just drifting, looking for another stable job.
Skills and Abilities
Clairvoyance's main ability lies in her aptitude for Engineering. She has taken a liking to creating miniature siege weapons that fit on the forearm or hand, and often uses these as a crowd control measure. In one on one fights, she's usually very weak.
Her first and main weapon is that of an arm mounted cannon. It's a much weaker version of the regular cannon, weighs 43 pounds and is about 3 feet long. It fires a customized cannonball or any matter of grapeshot. It must be taken off to be reloaded, and this can take anywhere between one minute and five.
Her secondary weapon is a wrist-mounted pistol. It's leather padded, reduces all of her wrist movement and weighs about 10 pounds, making it horrible to run with. It fires off 5 bullets from different points around her wrist, and must be taken off to be reloaded.
Her last weapons are that of Flintlock pistols. Her aim is not that good with this, so she will often use these as a last resort. Her Gnomish Army Knife also contains a knife. She's picked up how to throw a few punches from watching barfights, but has little experience.