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Player: Esthrunil

Character Full Name: Christopher Percival Ironheart

Character In-Game Name: Christopher

Nickname(s): Percy, Chris, Perry.

Association(s): Stormwind, The Alliance Military, Formerly Lordaeron.

Race: Human

Class: Warrior

Age: 49

Sex: Male

Hair: Long and beginning to lose its sheen. Starting to grey a bit. Though Christopher does what he can to groom it properly, he finds the grey distinguishing.

Eyes: Light Brown.

Weight: 231 Lbs.

Height: 5'11”


Christopher either wears fairly comfortable clothing or a full suit of armor wherever he goes. There's no in-between for the man. Either he's off-duty, or he's ready to fight.

Other: Christopher is a soldier, through and through. He carries a large knife on his waist, as well as a sharp sword and a shield.


Christopher Ironheart is a soldier to his very core. Having spent most of his time alive in the military, he‘s had years to devote to his king. He's your common foot soldier, willing to wade into close combat with a nice shield and sword, and years of training to do so. He takes orders well, and works as part of a team even better. Time in the drills and his wartime experiences have hardened him enough to take much of the commonplace horrors of war in stride and keep on marching.

He's got nerves of steel, he's hard to get information out of, and he's willing to go the extra mile if he has to. He's spent more time on battlefields than he has on leave or break.


Christopher Percival Ironheart was born to a medium-sized family in western Lordaeron. His father was a soldier and his mother was a barmaid at a local tavern. They lived fairly comfortably on the income the two of them were able to bring in, and the two sons we able to play after school at the local church. As a result of preaching at the church about the Light, and preaching at home about Lordaeron pride, Christopher and his brother Dorian both grew up to be devout light worshippers and very proud boys.

So much so, in fact, that they grew up to enlist in the Lordaeron military as soon as they could. After a great deal of time in the drills, they were ready for active duty, at which point they began their part in the Second War. They took part in a great deal of skirmishes together and apart, where they were finally separated in the middle of the war. Both soldiers continued on to fight for their nation and people, though in completely different battles.

Throughout Christopher's ‘solo' career, he was asked to do things a person would normally object to. Torturing captured Horde soldiers for information, among other things, were assignments that he carried through with and greatly troubled him for a good deal of time. However, as his active duty continued, he eventually began to justify his work and adopt a new personality to suit the work. This came at no expense, however, and he experiences terrible bouts of guilt and depression every so often.

His military career spurred on by his continued sense of nationalism, Christopher would continue through the Second War until it slowly came to an end. Still a no-name foot soldier, Christopher returned home to his family, finally reuniting with his brother Dorian. They'd spend a few years off-duty, while still reporting into the military offices regularly.

Some time passed before the plague started to sweep through Lordaeron, and oddly enough, it was a sort of blessing for Christopher. He got back to work and had less time to himself. He preferred it this way, it seems. He actively participated in many battles during the third war. He continued throughout the war, trying to ignore the point that he was killing bastardized versions of his brethren. While others went to fight the legion at Hyjal, he stayed with his brothers in Lordaeron, hoping to help people make their escape to Stormwind.

And that, they did. This went on for several months to a year, until Christopher settled down in his new home, Stormwind. His mother nation torn apart, his king slaughtered, his family separated from him. Chris turned to what he felt he did best, and continued on his military escapades, this time in Azeroth. However, it didn't take long for him to realize a key point.

Despite being a veteran of countless battles, taking many scars in his time and doing what he could to fight for his people and save lives, he was still a lowly foot soldier. He was getting old, and he was still only a front-linesman. Hell, he was almost -too- old to be put on the front lines, and he knew they'd drop him without more than a pat on the back. Because of this, most recently, he slowed his military career altogether, resting in Stormwind for the time being and drinking his sorrows away while he thinks about his copper-less future when the military has no use for him.