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Player: Gaiaboy10

Character Full Name: Cameron Jiffor Whittle.

Character In-Game Name: Cameron

Nickname(s): Deader(as most undead are called) Whittle, Cam.

Association(s): N/A

Race: Human Forsaken.

Class: Warlock

Age: 41 at death, resurrected at 44 and now at 51.

Sex: Male

Hair: Matted and stringy. It's possible he is blonde, but the dirt commonly found in his hair can throw people off from it's actual color.

Eyes: Bright glowing yellow, as it is with all Forsaken.

Weight: 92lbs.

Height: 5'9"

Usual Garments/Armor: A simple purple robe is what he will -always- be found in. This robe is open in the chest area, with a patch of silver cloth inside. It has long black bands that hang down over each shoulder.

Other: Half of Cameron's lower jaw is loose and unable to be lifted. He manages to speak by directing bands of fel energy to his jaw and pulling on it. While this might -look- cool, it expends quite a bit of his strength. Meaning if he wants to talk, he'll constantly be weaker than normal.

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Personality: Cameron is the picture of neutral evil. He rarely has strong opinions, and will change his thoughts, likes and dislikes to fit whoever is around him. He's rarely angered and stays calm and collected at almost all times, further eluding anyone trying to figure him out. While Cameron is quite neutral in general, he can still grow to "like" people. He is capable of emotion in one way or another. Whether it be anger, or joy. Although, joy and anything related to it are rare and often come from his success in doing something...less than savory. And his idea of liking a person or enjoying their company, is caring slightly more if they died or if he were to kill them.

History: Cameron was born in Elwyn, near the border between the forests and the farmlands of Westfall. His father was a Warrior, and his mother a Priestess, their names being Jerard and Ester. While Cameron grew he became interested in magic. Although his parents were not too pleased, he begged and pleaded to study the Arcane and become a Mage.

At around twelve, his parents finally gave in and allowed him a proper education in magic. For most of his life after, he was in Stormwind. He studied as hard as he could, often simply staying in the Mage's quarter for days at a time and sleeping under piles of books and tomes. His studies slowly consumed him, and he began to care less and less for those around him. Although, his Humanity kicked back in, when he met a fellow mage; a woman of about his age, possibly a year or so older. Her name was Catherin. Cameron spent as much time with her as he could, and grew further detached from his studies. Eventually, he proposed to her. The joy of the moment was short lived though.

Stormwind was attacked, and much to Cameron's suprise...defeated. He never believed the invincible city of Stormwind could fall to these green skinned mongrels, but nevertheless he accepted the loss and fled the burning city with his wife. He ended up in Westfall, where he settled down as the war faded. Although he and his wife came out of the situation ultimately fine, his parents had been killed. Cameron wanted to know more about the Orc's origins, and more importantly...their Warlock's powers. He became more and more obsessed with Fel magic, and he fell prey to it himself eventually. He studied his craft in secret, doing his best to not let his wife find out. While this continued for some time, the time came that he could no longer keep it a secret. He had the need for Humans to test his afflictions and various poisons on. He had been killing bandits and travelers for some time, keeping the bodies hidden and never letting anyone know of them. Eventually though, he was found. He was to be captured and sent to the Stockades, and this was something he simply couldn't let happen. While he needed to run, he still loved his wife and wouldn't tell her of what was happening. As he packed his things to leave his home, she began to understand the situation. She had heard rumors before then of course, but she disregarded them. Now she couldn't. And as Cameron packed, she took up a knife and stabbed him.

He was killed and the guard's took his body to an old family crypt in Lordaeron. His body rotted there for some time, but eventually Lordaeron fell to the Scourge. The crypt was found by a group of Scourge Necromancers looking to bolster their troops, and Cameron was unlucky enough to be brought back. He fought and killed many in his short time as a mindless slave, but he and many others were later freed by the Banshee Sylvanas. He was given his free will back, and the first emotions that came with this were anger and sorrow. He thought of all people, Catherin could've been trusted...but he was wrong. In his eyes, she was now scum along with all of the living.

From there, his un-life went downhill. He took back up on his craft, rage consuming him at his wife's betrayal. The only difference between now and before, he had more motive and he wasn't looked down pon by those around him anymore. He was accepted as what he saw himself as, a being of power. Eventually though, he went too far for even the Forsaken's tastes. He associated himself with the Legion, looking for more power in any form he could get it. His quest for demonic strength had him exiled from the Undercity. From then, he wandered the forests looking for somewhere he could work and study in peace.