Player: Aruen
Character Full Name: Caitlyn Shields
Character In-Game Name: Caitlyn
Nickname(s): None yet
Association(s): Theramore Military, The Alliance
Race: Human
Class: Warrioress
Age: 27
Sex: Female
Hair: Dark brown, in a short military style ponytail
Eyes: Brown
Weight: 63 kg (138.6 lbs)
Height: 1.77cm (69.7 inches)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Most of the time she's wearing the standard Theramore Marine outfit, meaning a mail chest piece, mail bracer's and boots. The rest clothing, with the Theramore tabard over it. Tends to carry a sword and shield wherever she goes, she grew rather used to it.
Other: Tends to wear clean clothes, be clean herself, and keep her weapons and armour in the best condition possible. (Perhaps to a rather obsessive point) Her ears are pierced, two in each ear.
Caitlyn is a simple, disciplined warrioress. She plans to do what she is asked, when it is asked, without overly thinking about her orders. She got trained in the ways of the soldier, giving her perhaps a harsher personality then others. The warrioresss is definitely not afraid of bloodshed, or killing, but strongly refuses to do so without a proper use or reason. After all, she's not a murderer.
Being Lawful Neutral, she fights for what she believes in. Good and Evil are irrelevant, the only thing that matters is her duty towards herself and others. This does not make her as serious and strict as it sounds, she can be quite the daring type as well. As long as it stays within the rules.
To people she's known for a bit longer, she is quite generous and friendly. After all, any day may be the last one for a warrioress, so you might as well make sure you've rode a good ride. She does not necessarily have any judgements or ideas about the other races, except for the Undead and blood elves. The first being a painful memory of what used to be, the second being treacherous and traitorous scum bags. Apart from those, she fight who's she's ordered to fight, and kills who ordered to kill. (With a presumably rare exception to those she's known for a while! )
[ Born in year 6, home town Lordaeron, year 33 now so 27 years old. Moved with Jaina's forces to Theramore after the culling of Stratholme, saw Lordearon getting hit at the age of 19 had to run. Ended up in military a year later, at the age of 20. Means she has 7 years of training in Theramore, and 4 in Lordearon. ]
Lordearon, she still remembers how it used to be. Gigantic stone walls, towers reaching above them. Clean, white stones with gardens around as far as the eye could see. She had believed it to be tranquil, living a luxurious life unaware of the dangers and actual news. She would go to school, complaining how boring it was at times, constantly learning to write, read, do maths. Little did she realised that in some good years, everything would change.
For Caitlyn, it came unexpected. As she grew older, she was conscripted into the local guard at the age of fifteen. She saw the tightening of the guards, the nerves on their faces. Nobody had told her exactly why, just that it was for the good of the city and her character. Though things seemed to change further as the years passed. The ever so friendly merchants had a habit of turning more nervous, some even turned grumpy. How naive she was back then, but seeing nobody told her most of the news, how couldn't she have been?
After four years of military training, everything in her life changed. Her home town being destroyed, the people she once knew were either dead or sick with the plague. Forced to fight a way out of the streets she once considered tranquil, she managed to find a leading officer with still some senses in him and followed his orders. Managing to get out of the city, and ending up with several wounded, yet surviving military members. Though Caitlyn only noticed that after the whole deal, she had taken a blow to her leg from some sword or another. Having no time to bandage it properly (Aka just throwing a rag around the wound, being very lucky it wasn't poisoned or infected later), they pressed on. Under her superiors rule, they fled further, ending up with more soldiers and eventually Jaina herself. Fleeing to Kalimdor.
Theramore had a need of soldiers as it was founded, losing numbers in their first clash with the Orcs who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, Caitlyn felt more or less called to sign up. What else could she do? Her parent's weren't around, presumably either fled in a other direction or killed by the scourge, a thought she rather blocked out at that time, so she volunteered to the military. If more to provide a distraction and goal then anything else, and found herself training for the next seven years. Those years, admittedly making her stronger, refining her discipline and skills.
Over the years, she had shown some affinity with the sword and shield style she still possesses today, combined with her ability to follow orders naturally she rose through the ranks. From a private at first, to Sergeant Major in eleven years time, she couldn't help but grin at her accomplishment. Nonetheless, her leg never healed properly, remaining a weak spot if exposed to cold, or long days with rain. The scar on her hip still reminding her frequently, but she isn't planning on letting it stop her in any way.
By now, she accepted the fact what happened to her home town. And left that life behind her, nonetheless, on those rainy and darkened days she can't help but to think back. About how it could have been, to wander those streets of Lordaeron again.