Bryce Rev2

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Player: Kjgrainge

Character Full Name: Bryce “The Spider” Lakeburst

Character In-Game Name: Bryce

Nickname(s): The Spider

Association(s): Unknown

Race: Human

Class: Rogue

Age: 29

Sex: Male

Hair: Jet black, combed over at the front, a long strand running down the side of his face, a ponytail running down the back.

Eyes: One ice blue, the other dark blue.

Weight: 90 kg

Height: 5’9”


Usual Garments/Armor: Various rags from the streets of Stormwind.

Markings, tattoos: Neck: on the right side of his neck is a spider on a diagonal, with large fangs and deep red eyes with more red patterns on its back, a web surrounding it with what seem like armed men stuck to it, trying to break free of the webbing but unable to do so. On the back of his neck are two entwined serpents, running across the nape of his neck all the way round to the side of his left neck, hissing at each other as venom drools from their canine fangs.

Hands: On his left hand, between his index finger and thumb is a sparrow, its beak reaching the middle of the thumb and finger space. On his right hand, the word “Free” has been tattooed down the right side of his outer hand.

Arms: Smoke is tattooed up his right arm all the shadows inside it look perfect on his skin, faint skulls can be seen on them, sinister looking and many with evil grins fade in and out, a whole sleeve infact.

His left arm contains beads wrapping round his wrist a couple of times, followed by a dagger running up his inner forearm, it looks sinister as it drips with green poison mixed with blood, sliding down the length of the blade. A panther, dark as night slides down the front side of his forearm its tail running round to meet the knife as its bright yellow eyes penetrate your very soul, its bared teeth snarling at you making you stunned as you see it. The intertwined serpents from his neck run down from the top of his left shoulder to wrap round the top of his left arm until his elbow, one jet black, the other dark blue, with tints of green.

Shoulders: Webs rung across his shoulders, mixed in with smoke as the words “Deaths Valiant” runs from shoulder blade to shoulder blade, smoke shrouding around it. Grey rips reach round the front of his shoulders, looking as if it unfolds his skin, dark smoke rises from them as well as red eyes can just be seen on the inside blackness.

Back: On his back a dark figure can be seen between the smoke, its back turned to the onlooker, with its face half-turned to the side, red essence spills from the supposed eye slots of the black mask, mingling in with the smoke. Words can be depicted around the smoke, mostly speaking dark words of death and accomplishments, the figure seems to be standing straight with its legs a shoulder-breadth apart, two jet black daggers can faintly be seen in its hands, green drools of venom drips off of them, that also fading into the smoke. No features can be made out on the figure, only the outline of the black body enveloped in smoke. Chest and stomach: Another tear tattoo goes across his left pec; an eye like one of the panthers can be seen behind it as its claws still hand out the tattoo wound.

A moon adorns his right pec, however spikes like the sun surround it. Odd markings, runes of some sort run round the outskirts of tightened, defined abs, the abs themselves have a wolfs head over them, its fierce green eyes looking like a fire, blood drips from its bared fangs as it seems to give an evil grin. Smoke crawls round from his back to reach round the sides of his body.

Scars: He has one scar, running across the left side of his moustache, leaving a scar line in which no hair grows at it runs to the side of his top lip. Three actual scratch wounds can barely be made out by the lighter skin underneath the rips on the front of his right shoulder. A light slash scar can be seen across his abs, barely noticeable by the wolf. A vertical scar can be seen running down his right pec. A large gash scar can be seen across his triceps, hardly hidden by the serpents. Many lash marks from a whip cover his back, hardly seen by the mass picture, but the paleness can be noticed.


Alignment: Neutral Evil

Bryce seems the decent sort, when you meet him he can be as charming and friendly as he wants to be and wants you to believe he is. He can be your best friend without even batting an eyelid. But this is not the case. Across all the confidence he rains down and the friendliness he fronts, his eyes tell a different tale, the multi-coloured eyes betray it all in a certain situation, they hold much anger...But emptiness as well, they can seem lively enough at most times, but when deeds are being done, they show no empathy, no remorse. He has taught himself to make people believe who he chooses to act to be to them, always hiding his tattoos until the moment of truth.

He may come across as a lovely, amazing person, but deep inside, he is a monster, trusting no one but himself... and possibly, one more.


Bryce was born in the city-state island of Kul Tiras, with his mother's untimely death and his father's disappearance he was forced onto the streets to live as an urchin. During the Second War, the year Bryce was forced onto the streets, the life of a pickpocket was made easier due to the focus of the nation being on the war. Although even that didn't stop the law from eventually catching up with him, and due to the war his fine was great. Bryce had no choice but to perform community service for the next two years in order to pay off his debt.

Upon his release, Bryce would still lie and cheat his way around the city. Pick pocketing in order to just stay alive - there were many times where the boy had to sleep on an empty stomach. Until eight years later, due to desperation, he picked the pocket of the wrong man; the Marshal, Bryce had run into him before in the past when he was younger, but he could certainly tell that he remembered him just by the look on his face. A dozen guardsmen chased the boy through the city's streets, shouting and swearing as he panicked, the boy made for the harbour to escape the law. Bryce had chanced upon a fortunate little merchant ship that he could stow himself away into, the shipmaster himself didn't care for the boy being on board the ship so long as he didn't tamper with his merchandise, and as soon as the ship set sail to Stormwind there was little chance for the law of Kul Tiras to reach him.

It felt like three weeks later when the ship finally docked in the harbour of Stormwind, he had heard rumours that Stormwind was pillaged by the orcs and had only just been rebuilt, but he couldn't tell the difference. Bryce waited for the perfect moment to run; a skill he had picked up from being chased by the guardsmen in Kul Tiras for so many years, and as soon as the shipmaster and his fellow crewmembers were distracted, he made a run for it.

Life in the pristine streets of Stormwind was new and exciting at first, but he had no idea where in the world he was. It was only natural that the boy was eventually forced into the alleyways by the other urchins, some he thought he recognised and some he did not, as they bullied and beat him. They were older than him though, and they often got Bryce into trouble just because they didn't like him - it was almost as bad as Kul Tiras, but at least in Kul Tiras he didn't have to depend on someone else. After one incident where Bryce was almost caught because of the gang leaving him behind, the never looked at him the same again. Not that they did to begin with, but they decided to cut up his arms and legs with a makeshift knife to teach him a lesson. When the guardsmen finally found him, he was bleeding and half conscious. It's unknown to him where he went or whatever happened after that, all of his memories a blur.

When the boy came to he found his wounds had been treated, and he was no longer in the city. Around him were multitudes of tall trees, with vines as long as a ship's mast. While the boy's wounds were treated he was still weak and he had a fever, he was sure he wasn't hallucinating, this was confirmed when a man confronted him. It took him weeks to be nursed back to health by this man, but he managed it. Bryce survived, and once he could stand his first intention was to flee. But there was nowhere for him to go in this maze, he had no choice but to stay, and the old man who so kindly nursed him back to health offered him a chance to start over.

It was unclear what the man wanted, he introduced himself as Joseph and he would always mutter nonsense to himself about 'spiders' and 'assassins'. It never made much sense to Bryce, but Joseph constantly made references to how Bryce should look at the way a spider moves to understand what the reason for their training was for. Joseph was mad, but he was the closest to a father figure he had ever had in his life, and after years of being forced to watch spiders with Joseph and undergoing rigorous daily training he taught Bryce everything he knows to this day. It is still unclear to Bryce why the man chose him, why he trained him, but he isn't the one to ask questions.

At the very end of the boy's training, Joseph was ill and although he wanted Bryce to do well he felt like it was only right to leave him with a parting gift. It took three weeks for Bryce to be covered head-to-toe with the tattoos which depict a dark and sinister story to a mad man's life. Yet despite the fact they often shared these moments which seemed like a father and son relationship, there was little to no emotion shared between them. Joseph felt that Bryce was his prodigy; he felt like he would continue where he left off and when they parted ways there were no goodbyes. A handshake, that's all it was. A handshake.

Skills and Abilities

Master in Alchemy/Traps

Master of Stealth: Capable of using his surroundings to his advantage, Bryce often wears disguises to blend in with the city folk bearing in mind that his tattoos are indeed visible. It is truly a challenge for him not to be spotted, which he enjoys.

Anatomy: Bryce knows a fair amount to the anatomy of a human, he may not know where some of the less major organs are, but he knows how to kill.