Player: FlyingSquirrel
Character Full Name: Brianna Mary Sorrowheart
Character In-Game Name: Brianna
Nickname(s): Bri, Mary
Association(s): Stormwind
Race: Human
Class: Warrior no class ICly
Age: 37
Sex: Female
Hair: Brown, and short cut as to fit in her hat easily.
Eyes: Dull blue
Weight: 121 lbs
Height: 5'3"
She usually wears a brown trench coat with pants, and hats. Or, on other times, she'll wear a blue blouse with vest, hat, along with long boots and regular pants.
Other: She has a guitar slung over her shoulder, and is so skinny you can see her ribs.
Brianna honestly has to be one of the most care-free people on the world of Azeroth. She is completely oblivious, at least to the untrained eye, to those who would threaten her. All she cares about is... Well, nothing. She merely wanders to all lands that allow her, playing her guitar and singing whatever song she can come up with. Due to none of her family dieing to Scourge, and nothing hurting her, she's perfectly allowable to all races. Despite this, she's scared of Draenei, Night Elves, Tauren, Orcs, Trolls and Undead. She's also too scared to leave Alliance lands, or stray too far from the well-traveled road. She's often a joking sort, and will play with someone over something not that big of a deal. She, understandably, has low morals.
Brianna was born near Tarren Mill, as a farmer's daughter. Her mother had died giving birth to her and her twin brother, so her life, from the beginning, was a sad one. She masked this sorrow by playing with other boys nearby, and overall acting like a boy. This was easy, until she hit puberty. So, she had to resign to her house. Apparently, she looked like her mother, and the sorrow became too much for her father to take. He committed suicide mid-way through her 14th year.
She, sad herself, went into a suicidal phase. This, along with puberty, was just mean to the young woman. She tried to kill herself multiple times, and nearly succeeded for the majority of times. However, then her family, or adopted family, began to learn. Their son, a young man of Brianna's own age, was told to watch over her and make sure she didn't do anything. At this point, in a mad-bid for attention, she began throwing herself at the boy. That was her first relationship, if anyone could call it that. However, then the boy was sent out to be a guard. At the age of 17, Brianna simply took a pair of clothes, a bag of food and walked out the door.
She lived on prostitution, utterly ignorant of the Orcs in the internment camp, or any other worry in the world. She only cared, and not that much, about where her next meal would come from. She traveled the world, buying a guitar and training herself how to play it. The guitar helped her make extra money, the majority of which she saved. When she'd get pregnant, she'd pulled from that extra money and what she could get off her guitar. When the kid was born, she'd leave it in the middle of the night at an orphanage. Life was careless for her. The Plague hit, and she didn't care. She just stayed away from Lordaeron.
She was never trained to fight, never trained to use a sword. She never had to fight, going through the Third War to the Crusade against the Lich King, never having to lift a sword and never having to board a boat. She never went to Kalimdor, or Outlands, or Northrend, or even northern Eastern Kingdoms, in the last eight years. She has a small amount of places to go, but she likes them all.