Player: FlyingSquirrel
Character Full Name: Bragdana Bloodshatter
Character In-Game Name: Bragdana
Nicknames: Brag
Associations: The Earthen Ring
Race: Orc
Class: Shaman
Skills and Abilities: His main skill is that of being able to control Kurei, and being able to heal himself with fire. However, the healing with fire part is usually quite slow. On top of these, he has the ability to see into the past of someone via their ashes and, albeit very slowly, conjure natural fire.
Age: 43. He considers himself around 50 years old.
Sex: Male
Hair: A thick braid for his beard and more braids for his hair.
Eyes: The typical Blood Red of Orcs.
Weight: 363 LB
Height: 7'
Alignment: Neutral Good.
Bragdana tends to wear a set of dark red cloth, complete with hood. This cloth allows him to attract a lot of sunlight, and is, for the large part, resistant to fire. When he doesn't want to be recognized, he'll throw on a green suit, very similar to his red one, and carry around a new dagger, as well as a wolf mask.
Other: He has a small figure, about 4 1/2 feet tall, nearly always following him. This figure has a cloak on, not allowing you to see anything of it. Lastly, he has a criss crossing of scars across his chest, were you to see him shirtless.
Bragdana is initially nice to all Draenei, Night Elves, Trolls and Orcs, and surprisingly witty for an Orc. He dislikes the Sin'Dorei for there reckless use of magic, the Undead for their secrecy, the Gnomes and Dwarves for where they built there city and the Humans for there usual arrogance.
Bragdana is heavily against war and all manners of fighting, primarily due to his heavy conscience from his past. However, he still sees the importance in it, and will often not object when two want to fight.
Bragdana was born as a Mag'har on the western edges of Nagrand. His tribe was a simple one, with a chain of command that had only five ranks; Chieftain, Head Shaman, Grunt, Children, Peon. Bragdana himself was being trained to become the next head Shaman, while his friends were all training for their own job.
Bragdana's parents died when he was 13, leaving him to fend for himself, as his Clan let no parentless children stay with them. He managed to live by scavenging what food the Windrocs left off of their kills. He heard the blare of a warhorn late one day, and ran to it, where he was given an axe and enrolled into the military. He initially disliked war, yet when promised food, he gladly joined. He wielded the axe like a dog wielded a stick twice it's weight, yet he still acted with the utmost honor.
When his squad was called to Hellfire Peninsula, they encountered an old Draenic farm. The ruins were destroyed, only to reveal a single Draenei Girl, a few years younger, who Bragdana was forced to kill. He took her head as a trophy, and later had it put into his axe, keeping a tight connection with the skull.
They got to the Dark Portal, it just have being opened only to be held back. 6 years later, they were called through by a new Warchief, Doomhammer. Bragdana, now 19, was at his prime age, and it showed. He was assigned to a new squad, this one being sent to Dun Morogh to combat the Dwarves. He took place in one of the raids on Ironforge, where he learned how to be brutal. He employed many new tactics, including throwing the Dwarves and Gnomes at eachother, or, as he called it, "killing two midgets with one movement".
Eventually, his contingent was destroyed and only him, along with three others survived. They made it back to Loch Modan as Doomhammer was calling the forces to retreat. Bragdana took place in almost every skirmish, until he was downed by a strike to the head from a shield at Blackrock Mountain. He woke up a week later in southern Lordaeron at a human internment camp.
He never bothered to learn the camp's name, and, instead, meditated, asking his ancestor's about what he should do now. He did this until the camp was destroyed, and renamed Hammerfall, after the leader who had fallen there.
Bragdana followed the New Horde to Kalimdor, where he took place in the battle for Mount Hyjal. Here, he gained a respect for the Alliance, seeing how they could be used as allies and not just enemies. After the battle, he left to Ratchet and spent most of his time in the arena, where he held quite an impressive record of 8 wins, 3 losses. After an incident, however, where he picked up a Sin'Dorei and threw her to the ground sent him over the edge. He finished training a young Orc in the ways of the Gladiator and left on a self exile.
He began his exile by visiting the Spirit Rock in the Valley of Trials, and again, asking his ancestors to tell him what to do. This time, unlike his last, he got an answer, telling him to ask each of the elements. He stood, thanking the Elements, but he quickly asked something again, "Where should I go for each?" He received an answer for this again, in the form of a riddle.
First, go to a land where mortals have made a god very mad,
Second, for fire, go into Nefarian's Grasp,
Third, find the strong in the land of the bad,
And finally, go to where many Elves breathed last.
Bragdana meditated for a day on this, before finding the answer for each one; Silithus, Burning Steppes, Badlands and Azshara. He spent a week in each, beginning in Silithus. There he saw the wind beat mercilessly against the Earth in one of it's most pathetic forms, as sand.
He next went to the Burning Steppes, where he saw Fire beat Earth by literally cracking it apart, and Wind beat Fire by pushing it apart until it was pathetic as the sand in Silithus.
He quickly got to Badlands, to watch the Earth finally reign supreme. He watched the Earth encircle the water until it dried into the air. He saw as the Earth fell onto the fire, quenching it and eventually making it die. He saw the Earth corner the Air until it's rage ended. Here, he realized the Earth does reign supreme when it tries.
Finally, he finished his journey, luckily, just north of Durotar, at Azshara, watching the water reign supreme where it could, although Earth still held the land as its own. However, many times the water came out of it's kingdom to do a raid on the Earth with a rainstorm.
With this knowledge, Bragdana returned to Ratchet. However, this didn't last long, as he soon saw how useless the cesspools known as Ratchet and Booty Bay were. So, he went north to Azshara Crater, where he heard multiple Shamans were. He went on a few adventures, including going to the Shadow Realm and gaining an axe. However, the Elements didn't like this axe. This put them in an impasse.
He refused to give it up, and the Elementals refused to help him. This led him to his old Shaman teacher. The Shaman teacher agreed to help him, and more. Over the course of the next two months, Bragdana learned how to become a Pyremaster, dealing with sorrow along the way. In the end, everything worked out well, and he returned to the Crater.