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Player: Ironside

Character Full Name: Bokri of Draenor

Character In-Game Name: Bokri

Associations: Horde, Hunters, Orcish Trackers

Race: Orc

Class: Hunter

Age: 46

Gender: F

Hair: Coarse, yet shiny, pulled into a traditional orcish tail with the remainder of her head shaved.

Eyes: Blue-Gray

Weight: 220 lbs

Height: 6'3

Other: Bokri has many peircings, and her ears are torn in places where there used to be a ring or trinket that was ripped out in battle. She has a good-natured but slightly aged face, hard to tell her exact age. Her voice is rough, but her speech is usually very eloquent, contrary to typical beliefs concerning the orc's linguistics.

Alignment: Mostly neutral, but has an intense hatred for humans.


Ceremonial mail armor, or the skins and hides of animals she comes across in her travels.


Bokri is slightly on the quiet side, and very obedient and understanding on the whole. She is comfortable alone, wandering the whole of Kalimdor, or with others of like stature to her. Though she may seem a bit rough, she has a strong sense of justice. She loves to watch and participate in a good fight, and relishes the thrill of the hunt. Her moods can range from introverted and gruff to volatile and protective. Because she spends most of her time alone, she can get a little awkward around other people, though she enjoys company occasionally. She has an intense hatred of the Humans, and much of the alliance, though she has become mildly aquainted with the Cenarion Circle. She respects hunters like herself above all, though, no matter what race or faction. There is an unspoken code of her interactions with others, and she strives to keep the same balance with people as she does with the natural state of the world, to which she has trained herself to become attuned.


Bokri was born in Draenor to a clan of orcs now all but forgotten, crushed and wiped out under the influence of the Legion. Perhaps they merely assimilated into another clan, perhaps they died out one by one. Nobody can be certain. Bokri, from a very young age was influenced by the Legion's broad and dark hand. At little older than 13 she was sent through the Dark Portal with the Orcish Horde who invaded Azeroth. Though she fought bravely and with ferocity almost surprising in a child her age, she was eventually captured and sent to an internment camp. There she spent the remainder of her adolescence, until Thrall and his followers liberated the Orcs from their human tormentors. Since then she has taken up the noble ancestral path of the hunter, striving to honor her fallen clan and live in the old ways. In these days, she wanders the vast forests, mountains, and plains of Kalimdor tracking and hunting, living off the land. Occasionally she encounters others, but such is the way of a wanderer; she rarely stays long enough to truly forge any lasting relationships.