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Player: Stormgald

Character Full Name: Flavious Armeiger Ateus

Character In-Game Name: Ateus

Nickname(s): Ateus

Association(s): The Horde, Silvermoon City.

Race: Blood Elf

Age: 175

Class: Rogue

Gender: Male

Hair: Long, usually up in a medium height pony tail. Color: Raven.

Eyes: Light glowing green, of course.

Weight: 175 Lbs.

Height: 6'0"


Ateus has a classy dress code, you wont see him in rags.


Ateus is very outgoing, he loves a good conversation. He is also a little playful, cracking jokes, things of that sort. He is also very chivalrous in a way, though all of his emotions and such are part of his façade. As if he can really tap into emotional feelings, his insanity has caused him to be nearly void of all emotion. This mask he wears (so to speak), as any psychotic murderer will tell you, is simply so he will fit in with the general public. Ateus can be racist at times, but more often than not, he simply does not care.


Flavious Ateus was born an only child with loving parents who nurtured and cared for him, educated him and trained him. Ever since Flavious Ateus was a young boy, his father Darious Tayge Ateus, who served as a spiritual advisor for the Sin'dorei Soldiers and Guards, wanted Flavious (Ateus) to age to be a soldier of Silvermoon, although Ateus loved and served his father faithfully, he did not share the same ambitions. In-fact, Ateus had ambitions of his own, he wanted to travel, and see the world beyond Silvermoon. Ateus never had the courage to tell his father that he did not want to be soldier, he didn't want to disappoint him in any way, but Ateus did tell his mother (Aldegva Seren Ateus) who swore not to tell Darious.

Years later as Ateus reached the age of 115, seeing as he was already old enough to enlist in the Silvermoon army, Darious wondered why Ateus had procrastinated for those few years and urged him to enlist. Ateus figured it was time to tell his father that being a soldier is Darious' ambition not his own, this erupted into a fuelled argument. Darious was angered and had resented his son for years, Ateus left Silvermoon and traveled to other distant parts of Azeroth and had finally settled in a decent sized harbor (Booty Bay) home to neutral Goblins far south of Eversong Woods and mailed a letter to his family back home letting them know where he had finally found a dwelling.

A few years passed and Ateus had received a letter from his father stating that his mother had fallen ill, in response to this letter Ateus traveled back to his home, but by the time he arrived at Silvermoon his mother had fallen so ill that there was nothing the healers and Priests of Silvermoon could do. Ateus rushed to see his mother, he found her so pale and weak, he dropped to his knees and grabbed his mother's hand and began sobbing. She finally quietly gasped out, telling Ateus to take her pendant, it was a family heirloom that she wished to pass on to her kin and hoped Ateus would do the same. Her uneven breathing slowed and finally stopped as she passed.

This had strengthened the relationship between Ateus and his father. Ateus suggested Darious moved back to the harbor with him. Darious agreed. Shortly after they buried Ateus' mother and set off on a journey back to the harbor. But while passing through the Arathi Highlands they were ambushed by a traveling group of bandits, Darious was struck in the kidney by a short serrated blade, Ateus had been beaten badly, but cleverly he lie there and waited until the bandits had left. Ateus ran over to his father, who had already been fatally wounded, and held him as he died, Darious did not get any words in before death, all of their possessions were taken.

Ever since the day he was ambushed by bandits, Ateus has regretted ever leaving home in the first place, therefore sought the ways of combat for revenge. After months of searching Ateus found an aged Blood Elf by the name of "Leion" who tought him the ways of stealth combat, for about two years Flavious trained under Leion. Leion had decided Flavious was ready to be relieved from training, Leion had tought Flavious everything he knew. Shortly after, Ateus was in the Booty Bay tavern as he felt this odd feeling, as if emotions were suddenly combating inside of him. His stomach twirling, his head spinning. This was not a simple sickness, no, this was something else, something far more powerful. At first he thought maybe it was something he could sleep off, but he couldn't get sleep. He did not know what to do. Ateus quickly made a decision to return to Silvermoon, maybe something had happened, something terrible. He traveled hard and fast, only stopping for necessities. He finally made it to Silvermoon, nothing was to be found but scorching ruins and thousands of lifeless bodies. It would appear that Silvermoon was attacked by the Scourge army. Ateus, obviously, was infuriated by Silvermoon being attacked and nearly destroyed. He could not believe that someone or some 'thing' could do this. Ateus was so beyond anger and sadness that it took a physical toll on his body, leaving him deeply scarred. Nothing was going right in his life and maybe nothing ever would.

Ateus had taken part as much as he could in the rebuilding of Silvermoon, many years of hard labor passed. When the city was of decent structure, Ateus found it fit to leave once again and trek back to Booty Bay to resume his other business that had piled up over the years, on his arrival he encountered a Goblin, fancy that, this Goblin was obviously an Engineer. Ateus realized this profession could help him a great deal with many of his missions. He kindly asked the Goblin if he knew anyone who had the skills and time to teach him how to be an Engineer. The Goblin reluctantly offered to teach Ateus a few things, but sadly, only a few. Ateus realized he had an amazing talent. Ever since, Ateus has been teaching himself new things and inventing others.

Shortly after on one of his travels, Ateus stumbled upon a rather nasty assortment of Bandits. Ateus spotted the Head Bandit. The image of the that man has been burned into his mind ever since that day, once Ateus recognized the man he immediately took off on his Hawkstrider and returned later that night to observe the settlement. He would watch the leader, documenting his every movement in his mind. And when the man went inside his tent alone, Ateus made his move. He snuck into the tent by making a large incision in the back. He would be overjoyed when he saw the Bandit asleep in his bed. Ateus covered the Bandit's mouth and drove his blade into the man, grinning at the sound of the blade penetrating the thin armor, skin and heart. Ateus frantically began to search the many chests and droors within the tent for his mother's pendant, but what could he expect? It had been years, the Bandits had surely sold it. Ateus saw that there was a number of explosives in the tent, the explosion would likely make it to their armory. A sly, distorted smirk spread across his face as he began to unravel the fuse, but not before looting many of the chests. He then lit the fuse and ran. By the time he had gotten far enough away he heard a loud 'boom' that made him instinctively drop to the ground, then turn to face the flames. That one boom turned into a second, then a third and so on. Ateus sat back watching the sparks fly. The explosion had destroyed their weapons cache and killed at least eight or ten of them. Ateus, grinning, left the camp with a sense of fulfillment.

After later analysis of the situation, Ateus realized how powerful he had felt taking those men's lifes, being able to claim the greatest gift of all. This was something he could get attuned to… Ateus had been scarred and desensitized by that murderous night. Ateus grew insane quickly, obsessing about murder. He would find himself zoning out often, constantly thinking of the way the blood smelled to him, how the blood spattered onto him. Eventually the fantasizing just did not satisfy. One night he waited in the brush off to the side of a road, for someone – anyone to walk by. He spotted a traveling salesman, human, whistling, walking down the road with his back-mounted lantern lighting the way. Ateus lunged out of the brush and stabbed the man repeatedly causing his death. Ateus then arose, spattered with blood, dropped the knife and ran.

Ateus was curious, curious of the fact that killing this innocent man did nothing to his conscience. In fact, it just bounced off of it like a toy ball bouncing off of a brick wall. Ateus continued his murderous rampage, killing men all over the place, innocent or not. Shortly after, he realized that this cannot continue, at least not with this degree of unprofessionalism. He put great thought into becoming a contracted killer. He tried for a while, but when work was lacking he found his cravings unbearable. His nightly bloodlust overflowing into his days. He was on the verge of another frenzy, it inevitably happened, but this time he targeted people that would actually profit to him, people of importance, people with gold.

Years later, Ateus matured, settled down one might say. He had stopped his senseless killings, he had not felt the urge for some time. So on his free time he had taken up painting instead. His steady hands deemed to be a great asset to this new hobby. His paintings have a great sense of both realism and fiction. The colors blending beautifully. Though no one has seen them. All these years of solitary has made Ateus rather non-social. He lacks a number of friends. Maybe it was time to get out more.

Ateus, alongside painting, has been working on his Engineering and self taught Blacksmithing. He has designed a number of new weapons that have been deemed by him to be not just effective, but efficient. These weapons are to be incorporated into his new plan. A guild. All those years of killing has payed of in one sense, the sense that it has been a great teacher. What Ateus has learned through trial and error is bountiful. He plans to pass on his knowledge to others. Hence the guild, Grim Silence.