Player: FlyingSquirrel
Character Full Name: Ashya Rothill
Character In-Game Name: Ashya
Nickname(s): He answers to Ash.
Association(s): Vague ties to Forsaken
Race: Forsaken.
Class: Mounted Warrior.
Skills and Abilities: He's an able fighter, be it on horse or foot. While on horse, he'll often try to skew the enemy with his spear. On foot, he has a small shield and sword. These are both unenchanted.
Age: 43 at death, 52 now.
Sex: Male.
Hair: None of it.
Eyes: Typical yellow glare.
Weight: 76 lbs
Height: 6'3
He wears a set of tarnished, yet well-cared-for chainmail, which covers up/down to his neck, wrists and ankles. It hangs very loose upon his skin-and-bones body, and will often be covered by a torn cloak of black wool. The sword and polearm with which he fights are made of iron and his shield and chainmail are made of steel. He wears a torn-up brown fishing hat, which has many different odd trinkets hanging from it at certain intervals.
Other: The majority of his internal works, bloodstreams and organs, have been removed, causing the man to be literally skin and bones, with the exception of his heart. His heart is connected by strings to his ribcage. He often has trouble thinking out decisions.
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Ashya is a relatively carefree man. After all, he doesn't have much to care for, other than perhaps his armor and weapons. Yet, even to this day, he still thinks that most forms of government do not have the people in mind, as he believes it should be. This has lead to him, on many occasions, renouncing all links to any group larger then 20 people. He's generally distrusting of everyone, and occasionally his distrust can come off as harshness. He is generally a very calm person, and will try to even the odds as much as possible before starting to fight.
Ashya was born in Lordaeron long ago. While he was too young to fight in the First War, he was all too ready to fight in the next war, whenever he came. He was taken under the wing of a local knight and became that knight's squire. The Second War came around, and they went off to war. His mentor refused to become a Paladin and, as such, Ashya never got such training. After the war, they went to one of the internment camps. It was here where Ashya became a knight, and where his intense hatred for any government was spawned.
It wasn't just that one government was imprisoning them, it was that they all were. The Gnomes, Dwarves, even Stormwind all had a hand in taking care of the camps and dejecting the Orcs. Ashya alone couldn't do anything, and he knew that few others would feel with him - he wasn't heroic or charismatic enough to rally a crowd, and he wasn't experienced or strong enough to free the Orcs by himself. So, he bid his time.
Luckily, the Orcs could get themselves out. Although Ashya never killed another Human to protect their journey, he certainly wasn't helpful, often giving wrong directions and generally being more hurt than help. The Orcs got away and the Plague came. This was when Ashya truly broke. He hatched a conspiracy that the Plague was just released by the Lordaeron King to put the citizens in his place. Ashya decided that he was powerful enough to beat Lordaeron singlehandedly. So, he willingly gave himself up to the enemy, so that the Government would perhaps learn something and stop being so controlling.
Unfortunately, his plan failed. Not only did the kingdom completely fall, but Ashya found that there was little chance that he'd ever be freed. Then Sylvanas came. While he didn't know that it was she who freed him, he knew he was free. He and his Undead mount left the area, and wandered the greater Lordaeronian area. He contemplated his plan further, and realized how horrible of an idea it was to begin with. If he wanted to fight the government, he had to be alive. It seemed to him that he was given a second chance to do this.
He was found and drafted into Sylvanas' army. He never much cared for whatever politics went into the army, and hated the majority of the time he spent in it. Eventually, the Forsaken marched on the one who had cursed them. Many things had changed with Ashya. He had once entered a bout of rage at his organs holding him back and ripped them out. This was part of him being allowed to leave the army. For whatever reason, he decided to keep his heart, tieing it to his ribs.
Leaving the army left him with nothing to do. And so he made sure his armor, weapons and horse were all fixed up and began to wander again.