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Player: Secrettom

Character Full Name: Father Arthur White

Character In-Game Name: Arthur

Nickname(s): Father, Brother, etc

Association(s): Church of the Holy Light / Stormwind City.

Race: Human

Class: Priest

Age: 55

Sex: Male

Hair: White, Balding.

Eyes: Dark Brown


Height: 6' 2"


Simple robes that are nearly identical to the other priests of the Cathedral. He nearly blends in with the background.

Other: Does not carry a weapon. Can be found with a few books in his bag, on lease from the church.


Arthur is a very tall, and quiet priest who takes pride in the fact that he is under great self discipline and control. His movements are slow, deliberate and he carefully thinks over each word in his mind before he dares to say it. He feels a very close connection to The Light; and even though he is kind to anyone he meets (especially those of his own race) he has a fierce dislike of anyone that he finds to be abusing The Light, or simply taking advantage of it.

His idea of Paladins is a bit complicated- He finds that the Cathedral is spending useless money on golden armor and weapons and finds that it should be spend on improving the conditions inside the city, rather then expanding or killing thousands in the name of The Light. He DOES like Paladins, but he disapproves of ones who waste resources.


Arthur was trained (ironically enough) in Northshire when he turned 17. His Mother and Father where part of the Stormwind military and worked as Guards stationed around the road leading from Goldshire to Stormwind. The military was something that Arthur did not want to be a part of. He also understood the dangers of Magic and the senseless violence that Humans themselves seem to bring. In an effort to change, Arthur left his family home and devoted his life to The Light, living inside the small church and starting off as a simple Monk, and later a Priest. His training demanded him to have self control, value life and understand the great connection that all people have. In due time, he had left his small home and decided to travel the lands around his great city, finally deciding (around the age of 30) to stay at Darkshire.

He had seen many things in Duskwood.

Arthur had no idea of the horrors he would face while there. Undead, Demons, Worgen, and other monsters had come out of the woodwork, and his life there was hard. His chants and prayers kept the monsters and demons at bay while the people where paranoid and defensive....Despite the harsh conditions, he regarded it as his home, and always worked hard to defend it. After so many years, Arthur decided again to trek out of the dark forests to return to the city of Stormwind. He makes frequent visits to his old town (when the roads seem safe) but usually keeps himself within the Cathedral, where his dark outlook casts a shadow of realism on those taking shelter there...