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Player: Psychyn

Character Full Name: Annarith Starweaver

Character In-Game Name: Annarith

Nickname(s): -

Association(s): The Alliance, The 7th Legion, The Kaldorei.

Race: Night Elf

Class: Sentinel (Warrior)

Age: 1132

Sex: Female

Hair: White, kept lengthy to go past her shoulders; It reaches down until her lowerback.

Eyes: Amber

Scale/Height: 1.02

Skills and Abilities

Glaive Throw: Wielding a Moonglaive is a finnicky thing already, but with some training; It can be thrown for a devastating effect. Annarith has learned to use her Moonglaive like this, needing to be a little bit more creative with her attacks at times to remain effective.

Enchanted Bow: Her bow is precious to her and it cost her quite a bit of money over the years; Luckily, the 7th don't pay too badly for their life-risking situations and with some saving up, she has managed to get her bow enchanted. Any arrow notched onto it and fired from it, instantly ignits as if the arrow was dipped in oil and lit by a flame.

Hippogryph Tamer: Annarith really wanted to become a hippgryph tamer and has spend a good portion of her life to learn about these creatures; Life had other things in store for her but the knowledge is not lost. She knows how to ride one, how to tend to one, feed it and everything one may need to keep one in fighting shape.

Hippogryph: Annarith has purchased a beautiful green hippogryph who's become her companion to travel around with. She is able to fight from one but prefers not to, deeming the creature too precious to her.


Annarith is no woman of wealth; She gets her funding from the Alliance and her loyalty to the 7th and as such, the outfit she wears is equal to the Sentinels that once served in Northrend. Protective, medium-armor garments that can withstand both the cold and some degree of hacking and slashing. It allows her to stay nimble and agile, preferring to dodge or evade blows rather than blocking them with a shield or such. She's had a few moonglaives over her years of service and while her current one looks a bit older, it can be summed up as “well-used”. She keeps her armor and equipment in good condition, finding repairs or replacements when needed.

Alongside that, she carries a somewhat decorated bow; Not akin to what most night elves use. She has saved up money over the years to have it enchanted to be more effective against her most hated enemies; Silithid. Any arrow put on it and fired from it, automatically lights up and turns into a fire-arrow, effective against unarmored enemies or enemies that show a lot of skin.


Annarith has endured more then most and it has left its scars. Her time in Silithus can not be forgotten, no matter how hard she tries and she tries to stay away from the lands unless there is no other option; Stepping onto the sand (or any similar-looking sand) makes her prone to fall silent, possibly even getting lost in the nightmare of the battle there. She does not like bugs, big or small and can be surprised by the tiniest of ones that land on her shoulders, reacting with aggressive reflexes.

She can be considered noble-bright, a night elf who has sacrificed a lot of herself for her race; A race she loves very dearly and would not hesitate to help when needed. She is capable of seeing the bigger picture and is not blind to the state of current affairs. If it protects members of the Alliance, she can easily slay members of the Horde; Though if both parties are severely in danger, she can work alongside them or even accepts direct orders to save her people. This alliance tends to last very shortly and ends when it no longer benefits Azeroth as a whole.

Annarith would much rather prefer peace, to possibly go back to her days of becoming a Hippogryph tamer but she realizes that as long as the world is in conflict, and as long as she is capable; She must not forsake her duty to her people. This duty takes her away and into wars most Night Elves would not partake in for many possible reasons, but she tries not to judge; She will defend her people and the Alliance as a whole, showing her love with the many scars gathered in the wars.


Well over a thousand years ago, Annarith Starweaver would be born in the future hell-hole known as Silithus; Little did people know but just over two-hundred years later, Annarith's entire world was fighting for survival. She grew up relatively quickly among her kin, inspired and encouraged by the Sentinels around her, swiftly taking up the path herself to wield the difficult Moonglaive and stand among her kin. She had a talent for it, which would keep her alive later down the line. Her father was a druid whom she would never meet, her mother a Sentinel.

At the age of two-hundred-and-five, everything changed. She had completed her training by then and had developed a routine of helping the village out, scouting, training and similar routines, striving to perfect her skills. She had yet to be introduced to war or death, true suffering as she describes it; A suffering she had overcome through listening, keeping her head low and going into battle without mercy or regrets. She gave all of herself with each swung, inspired by her companions and leaders around her. She was with her mother, her friends, her peers and superiors; Kalimdor as a whole still meant little to her, not considering what might happen if they were to fail.

Led by Fandral Staghelm, an inspiration and leader that let her overcome all nervousness with his presence; Accompanied by his son, soon to be lost among the Silithid forces not a mere week later. Wave after wave of Silithids fell before the Night Elven defenders yet not without forces, their assault a testimony to their bravery and strength, one the world would barely remember a thousand years down the line. Annarith fought, sweat and bled among her kin a fight continuing till nightfall, the skirmish seemingly favoring the Night Elven forces. Perhaps if Rajaxx had not been able to retreat, the battle would have been won already; But they couldn't make it happen.

Through-out nightfall the Sentinels rested, if only out of exhaustion for the screeches and screams of bugs are not easily forgotten. The swarm of wings that had assaulted the druidic supporters left an imprint in Annarith's mind, still seeming to buzz as the last few Silithid had been destroyed. She had never before experienced anything like this, though she had been trained for it and that training had kept her alive so far.

The war had just begun, as on the second day the sun rose once more. Troops reformed, orders were passed out and everyone prepared for the Silithid that were assumed to appear, but they never did. Eerie silence, perhaps even more scarier then the battle itself though her nerves were stilled by the presence of her superiors. She had gotten through one day and she would fight through another while reminding herself that she was not alone. As they were about to advance further into the hive, news reached Fandral about the Southwind Village. The troops split after moments of uncertainty; Her mother, being more experienced and stronger went with the detachment of troops towards the village, where as Annarith stayed with the main forces. It was the last time they saw another or spoke, and for a brief moment, Annarith wanted to defy the orders and go with them. As her amber eyes were looked into by that of her mother, the words calmed such a desire; “Stay where you are needed, no matter what happens, Elune shall bring us together again someday.”

For the next few days, Annarith would stay with the main forces and defeat countless of Silithid with her glaive; Her arms swinging beyond the point of soreness, like a machine she showed no doubts, no emotion. A strange battle-trance enraptured her to continue what she was asked to do, what she needed to do. News about the Southwind Village stayed silent and through out the nights she could gaze upon Fandral who since the start of this war, had not looked behind him until recently. Anxious for his son's return.

Three days without news, the sands stained by blood and bodies of both forces. Around noon their troops lined up against each other again. Another standoff against seemingly endless numbers of Silithid yet they would not falter. Druids in bear form clawed away at the ground nervously, stormcrows flew above; Lines of Sentinels, shoulder to shoulder, brethren of battle and blood waited for the command they all knew was coming. Though this time, things would be different. Annarith's heart sunk like many others around her, Fandral's courage wavered and showed moments of indecisiveness. His son, held up for all to see; Southwind had fallen.

They could not make it, no matter how hard they tried; They followed Fandral's enraged charge to advance before him into battle when the man dropped onto his knees. She felt grief, anxiety, nerves and fear, all together at once as the courage of her peers had faded, and so had her own. Annarith survived by sheer luck of her positioning as the towering Qiraj general cut through the elven forces and send Sentinels flying. She wasn't near him though still very much in the heat of battle. The conflict felt more enraged and saddened then it had been before and Annarith herself went into a blind rage, not recalling how many she has slain or how many hits she endured.

Her memory stays blank till the sound of retreat, a decision made with sadness and rage, yet that slight spark of decisiveness she needed from her superiors. A bitter and large defeat send the troops back to the very edge of Un'Goro. They had no time to help the wounded, no time to help the injured; Those that tripped barely got back up onto their feet, and even if they succeeded. anyone away from the main elven force was cut down by the Silithid. This hunt continued till they managed to reach Un'Goro, where suddenly, the Silithid halted.

It offered some respite, brief moments away from direct conflict though morale was low all around. Annarith's wounds got tended to before she collapsed for the night and day to come; She had endured it, but still knows not how. Their fight was not over, though from this point on, they were no longer the attackers. Every skirmish was a defensive one, every clash one they needed to win in order to survive and they wouldn't have survived without the Bronze Dragonflight. Powerful creatures sought out by Fandral to turn the tide of war. Still, the dragons were not enough against the overwhelming numbers and even they send out a call for reinforcements. Merithra, Caelestrasz and Argyos from the different flights came to their aid.

To bolster their ranks even further, elves through out Kalimdor had responded to the pleas and they too would join the war. Together, they would march back and into Silithus, past the dead bodies of bugs and comrades alike, cutting their way through the forces to eventually advance back to where they had been before. The last battle ensued, and in the end, they came out victorious.

The war had ended but the scars had not; Annarith had slain, seen and heard too much of everything. She threw herself into her training and her training alone, it was her way of reflecting, unable to sit still or even talk about what had transpired. She had no wish for other hobbies, no desire to explore, to mate; As much as Silithus pained her, she could not leave the barren lands. She gained a reputation of the “Silent Sentinel”, barely speaking and exchanging words with anyone, dutifully doing what was asked and desired from her. Her reflection took her four hundred years after which she suddenly asked for permission to borrow a hippogryph. She flew away from Silithus and travelled to Mount Hyjal, ready to try anew.

It was in Mount Hyjal she spend another five-hundred-and-twenty years; Learning more about hippogryphs and how to work alongside one. She desired to become a tamer of them, or possibly a trainer; Annarith wasn't exactly sure yet but felt connected to the creatures she had seen flying above her many times. They offered a kind of companionship that she felt needed no explaining, needed no words. As she became ready to become a Hippogryph Master, the third war occurred.

She came to the defense of Mount Hyjal and fought alongside the other races. A battle nothing alike the War of the Shifting Sands but brutal and gruesome in its own way. It was there she met the 7th legion, a formation of troops consisting largely of humans who had gone beyond names and duty. They fought for the world regardless of race and earned her respect; The tenacity in battle of creatures so short, yet capable of taking down demons twice their size. As the battle came to an end and the races parted ways; Annarith would go with them.

Perhaps it was because of her loss of immortality, perhaps simply the way they had fought; Looking back on it, Annarith still can not clearly define why she joined when her race still largely showed distrust and problems with accepting them. It just felt like the right thing to do, having entered a stage in her life where she could not do other but to acknowledge that the world was in conflict and perhaps forever would be. By fighting alongside these humans, they learned from another and her bond with the world began to grow. Elves had been on their own for so long, it felt right to work alongside others rather to try and stick to their own ways.

A mere five years later, her decision to join took her somewhere she hadn't expected to return to; Silithus. As her feet stepped upon the sand, she fell back into her silence; Something she could not help. The air she breathed smelled of death to her, the sand underneath her appeared to be red; The emptyness was filled to her with bodies and decay. It felt like yesterday she had stood here, and like yesterday, she would fight anew. A soldier who followed orders and tried to stay alive; The 7th joined the Might of Kalimdor and she even let herself be commanded by an Orc. Highlord Saurfang would lead the combined troops of the Alliance and Horde to glory, glory through more death and misery.

A small price to pay one could argue, for halting the Ahn'Qiraj incursion within the hive. She assisted in whatever way she could, slayed Silithid in whatever way possible to once again, in a region that had slain so many, came out alive and victorious. Afterwards, she had a few years of rest though her silence could not be understood by the 7th legion; They accepted it, for Annarith continued to do what she was told, continued to think and fight effectively, almost encouragingly with a display of skill that could only be formed in battle, though her fighting-brothers couldn't understand it.

When the 7th went to Northrend, so would she; A new battlefield in a different region, something she had gotten used to as she continued to serve the Alliance faithfully. She was a battle-hardened soldier, with scars like any other and she stayed in Northrend for three more years. When the news of the great Cataclysm reached her, she finally made arrangements to go closer to home; Believing her kin, or the humans, could need the help. The first stop was Darnassus and with her money saved up over the years, she purchased a green Hippogryph to accompany her during her travels; The second stop was Stormwind, where she resides thus far and has purchased a bow with an enchant on it.