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Character Full Name: Amartia

Character In-Game Name: Amartia

Nickname(s): None

Association(s): Royal Apothecary Society

Race: Undead

Class: Rogue

Age: 22 at death.

Sex: Female

Hair: Black, shoulder-length.

Eyes: Glowing yellow.

Weight: 98 lbs

Height: 5' 4”

Alignment: Neutral Evil


A robe of the Royal Apothecary Society, often with a hood and mask.

Other: Amartia carries a lot of miscellaneous vials and syringes on her person.


Amartia is a mildly eccentric character. Her ways of thinking often differ from those of others around her, and she has a strange blend of creative and sadistic qualities that drift around her mind. She thinks very little of races other than Forsaken, seeing them more as objects or tools than conscious beings. She prefers never to be involved in straight conflict, and would much rather work in a position of subtlety, whether it involves violence or politics.


Amartia either doesn't recall any of her life before undeath, or doesn't speak of it whatsoever. In her mind, her existence began when the Lich King's influence over her was released. She was quick to join with Sylvanas's faction, though she never truly fought for them, as she was always more interested in alchemy and trap-making. Always experimenting, she made for a perfect addition to the Royal Apothecary Society, after the Forsaken established themselves in the ruins of Lordaeron. Her repertoire quickly expanded to include poisons and several more insidious concoctions. She grew to be a rather productive apothecary, if not a particularly well-known one.

Amartia spent some time working with a mage named Desmoth. Desmoth found that Amartia had skills that he could use to his own advantage, while Amartia was simply eager to put her skills to use. They worked together in a tight partnership for some time, until Amartia pieced together that Desmoth's ultimate goal was to have Sylvanas replaced with some other ruler of the Forsaken, perhaps even himself. Amartia didn't like this idea at all. The prospect of someone ever wishing to work against the Dark Lady mildly infuriated her. Delving into the crevices of her mind, she hatched a plot to set an elaborate trap for him, so that he would learn never to betray the Dark Lady again. After all of the necessary preparations were made, she left a short and concise note goodbye note. She left after that, envisioning the rage that Desmoth would have after he sprung the trap and read the note.

Perhaps to her dismay, Amartia was not included in Putress's insurrection. The Blight was an intriguing creation to her, and she was somewhat less concerned with the extermination of all life on Azeroth as the fun she could have had attempting to create such a poison, though wiping out all others but the Forsaken would have certainly been an added bonus. However, with half the Royal Apothecary Society destroyed and the rest under close watch, Amartia decided that it would be in her best interests to branch out from the Undercity. Her recent projects have brought her to many different areas of the world, but what it is she's working on right now, nobody could really say.