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Player: sarghress

Character Full Name: Alecto Megaera Dorogaia

Character In-Game Name: Alecto

Nickname(s): Matchstick (formerly), Doro

Association(s): The Alliance (by means of race), whomever she deems fit (otherwise.)

Race: Human

Class: Mage

Age: 30

Sex: Female

Hair: Salt-and pepper (black with flecks of grey)

Eyes: Grey

Weight: 130 lbs.

Height: 5'11”


She tends to wear a suit without a jacket in recent days, in a somewhat thuggish fashion. She also wears a pair of fireproofed Oxford shoes, with beaten and worn soles. The front pocket of her shirt usually has a box of cigarettes in it, and from her belt hangs a flask.

Other: She has two full sleeves of tattoos, with a broken cog on her hip, with a figure similar to a fire-goddess dancing on the head of the dragon with a talwar in one hand, and a hammer in the other on her back. The sleeve on her left arm is a repeating creed in a gothic font, reading “Rise, Rebel, Resist, For There Can Only Be Peace If You Rise To Take It. Obey Yourself, For Only You Can Free Your Mind, Body, And Soul.” The sleeve on her right arm depicts the Sun burning a World Serpent which is trying to eat it.


Alignment: Chaotic Good

Alecto is a woman who never grew out of her rebellious stage as a teenager. Her worldview is that there is something inherently and plainly wrong with the way things are run, and that it's her duty to undermine and topple it. To right the world, she believes, one has to burn the old systems and start from scratch. She's not inherently angry as a person, and she doesn't have a problem with people at large- it's the status quo she can't stand. This notwithstanding, she does have a sense of loyalty, extending to those she holds dear. Lovers, friends, adopted family- she will bend over backwards to protect those.


Alecto was born in Duskwood (which used to be Brightwood, but became Duskwood due to the corruption of Karazhan) to Megaera Dorogaia, the wife of a Gilnean man who would abandon the mother and newborn child in less than a year of her birth, near the end of the First War between Orcs and Humans. That was not the end of Alecto's loss, the destruction of Grand Hamlet aside, which she does not remember (She does, however, remember the rebuilt Grand Hamlet, which she was raised in). Without explanation, a five-year-old Alecto found the body of her mother dead in the bathtub, her wrists slit down to her elbows. In panic, she ran out into what would become the Darkshire square, screaming bloody murder and babbling incoherently. After the event, Alecto refused to speak to anyone, even her aunt Tisiphone, and spent a good deal of those days alone in some nook or corner, with a book.

As Alecto grew, and wars passed her by while plucking her loved ones away, she found her loneliness in previous years to be a drive for anger towards her aunt, and an urging to find other partners. She never settled with one, for she was never satisfied with just one person. Yet, every time she sought someone, she looked for a little shard of what she remembered of her mother, like she was trying to reconstruct her from memories alone. Yet, every time she was so near to completion, something fell out of place, someone was lost in the defenses of Darkshire, or someone just left her circle. She remained diligent, however, as she began to take up pyromancy against her aunt's wishes. With practice, it turned out that her instinctual and emotional nature gave her extra leverage in terms of output, but without control, she was naught but a danger to herself and those around her.

When she came of age, the first thing Alecto did was leave Darkshire, and set off to see the rest of Azeroth, and learn control. After years spent in Dalaran, she watched it burn around her, as she fled with the aid of her teacher, only 22 years old. The next eight years of her life, she spent as a wandering taskmage, drinking her memories away, trying to find a way to ease her mind. She kept up her old tendencies, flitting between flings, and soon came the day where she decided to try to end her vicious cycle. This is where that story begins.

((Note- I use the in-game names for these locations outside of the first History paragraph, because not only do I not know exactly when the town was renamed, it also ensures that we all are on the same page for discussion.))