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Player: Kenshiro

Character Full Name: Knight Aesyn Dawnsworn

Character In-Game Name: Aesyn

Nickname(s): Knight, Dawnsworn, Syn

Association(s): The Horde, The Blood Knights

Race: Blood Elf

Class: Paladin (Blood Knight)

Age: 787

Sex: Male

Hair: Dark-red and in a fox-tail.

Eyes: Fel Green

Weight: 145 lbs

Height: 6'2"


Usual Garments/Armor: He can usually be seen in his standard Blood Knight uniform, with his tabard, which is from his late master. He also carries a bloodstone, also given to him by his late master.

When off-duty or traveling, he wears a red and gold, leather outfit. He carries his longsword at all time, but is usually without his shield. He can also be seen in simple robes and sandals, however the robe has an armored shoulder piece hitched onto the right side.

Other: His holy fire is a red and white color.


Aesyn is generally a lazy and unenthusiastic character who apparently spends much of his time asleep and no one, except his late master, appears to try and stop him from doing so. He is not particularly interested in whatever is going on around him, although he is surprisingly observant and a capable analyst. Unlike many of his kind, he is not violent or overly arrogant. Aesyn is a peace-loving elf who will always try to talk his way out of a fight, though he doesn't wish to insult opponents by refusing to fight.

He's not the type for revenge, but his desire to not see any of his comrades or friends die proves to be enough motivation for him to keep fighting. Aesyn seems to be opposed to the notion of killing people and it isn't out of character for him to offer his enemies a chance to run away instead of having him finish them off. The only exception to this rule are, Scourge, Burning Legion and Twilight Cult as they are usually considered by him to be 'mad' or 'too far gone to be helped'. He initially does not seem to care a great deal for his fellows, showing no visible signs of distress or concern. However, this indifferent attitude seems to be dispelled with death or injuries of comrades. Aesyn himself is notably affected by violent turn of events often being drained of his motivation to fight. Most of the time, Aesyn will try to talk his way out of a fight. However, in his core, he is a soldier and will follow or give orders as he must to complete the task given to him.

He has shown a great distaste for fighting. He can be serious on occasion, although his personality does not change much; he comes off as reluctant, but nonetheless willing to complete the task at hand.


Aesyn was born into a small middle-class family in Quel'thalas. Being an only child, he was looked after quite well. While Aesyn was a toddler, his parents were out for the night and he was being looked after by a neighbor. They disappeared, never making it back home to their young child. Whether they were murdered or simply got lost in the woods, they never came back to find Aesyn. With no one left to take care of him, Aesyn's cries attracted other high elves who took care of him, until they could no longer afford to, sending him to the orphanage in Silvermoon City.

The orphanage was nice, but Aesyn felt out of place. And worst of all, he felt lonely. Although there were plenty of other children, he distanced himself from them, thinking that they'd disappear if they stayed with him. He was generally very quiet and spent a lot of time lazing around. Upon reaching adulthood, he left the orphanage and got a job as a innkeeper's assistant.

It was a boring job. But he enjoyed it. It was not a lot of work and he liked it like that. He spent the next couple of years as an innkeeper and, on the side, learned how to wield a sword. With the news of the war between the humans and the orcs, he decided that it would be a good investment to learn. Aesyn soon discovered that he was a rather capable swordsman and analyst. During his many spars, he found he was able to judge a strong warrior based on their stances and their movements. It was not long, before he found himself mastering the art and simply honing his skills, rather than trying to learn new techniques.

When the orcs allied themselves with the Amani trolls, Aesyn charged in to the battle, full-steam ahead and managed to come out unscathed. His swordsmanship helping him and his comrades greatly. However, seeing the loss of his people deeply saddened him and he slowly became less willing to fight. For the rest of the Second War, Aesyn was sent within an army to aid the humans to the south. Eventually they pushed the orcs back to Blackrock Mountain the the war was won. Although he did blame the humans for the burning of their trees, he soon became indifferent to the situation. He retreated to Silvermoon and got a new job, teaching his fellows to wield a sword. He figured that, if he could train others to fight, he wouldn't have to.

When the Scourge came Aesyn was forced to fight to protect the city, but as history tells, it was to no avail. The city fell and Aesyn began to suffer from magic withdrawal. With no hope, he continued his life of solitude, trying to keep himself from becoming one of the Wretched. When Prince Kael'thas promised an easy way to gain power. He followed the prince. He took part in the fel and soon found himself to be returned to his former self. He was strong but still unwilling to fight once more. As the newly named Sin'dorei, he spent his time lazing around.

As it turned out, he was fighting some Scourge remnants in the Dead Scar when he was overrun. Suddenly, an armored man came and destroyed them all rather quickly. He was Master Veryl Firepike, a Blood Knight. Bringing Aesyn to the Blood Knight bheadquarters, he showed him how to draw power from M'uru. Taking him as his apprentice, Veryl hoped to instill some desire to win and a desire to do good as Aesyn was a very unenthusiastic and lazy man.

For the next few years, Aesyn showed to be incredibly talented at bending the Light to his will and since he was already an accomplished swordsman, he rose quickly to the rank of Adept within the Order. Veryl wasn't pleased at all with Aesyn, most of the time. He was lazy, slept often and was very indifferent, no matter what he said. Aesyn had so much more potential and easily could have risen to the ranks of a Master if he truly wanted. As they spared, it soon became even more obvious of Aesyn's talent. Even Veryl, a former paladin of the Silver Hand, was even with the younger elf, which only infuriated him.

Together, they ventured to the Outlands, where they began to hunt demons in Hellfire Peninsula. After a few months in Outland, they returned to Quel'thalas where they worked for the Shattered Sun Offensive. Although they protected the gate, they were losing their powers of the Light, due to their loss of M'uru. However, when the Sunwell was purified, they were able to draw from that power and came back stronger than ever. Returning to Silvermoon Veryl continued his training, although he knew that Aesyn didn't need it.

One day, they were traveling the Dead Scar hunting Scourge and they were ambushed. Veryl was killed and Aesyn was left alone. Aesyn was suddenly shocked about how his master was killed. He blamed himself, for had he been a more enthusiastic student, he would never have been here 'training' with his master. The funeral was held and Aesyn was given Veryl's tabard, sword and his heirloom, a bloodstone. A simple blood-red jewel.

After his master's death, Aesyn applied for the trials and soon passed, becoming an official Knight of the Blood Knights. If he wasn't ordered to do anything, chances are Aesyn was sleeping or smoking. His will to train had become almost non-existent. However, he acquired some sort of fame within the Order as he had an amazing track record against Scourge forces in the Ghostlands. It was not long before Master Solanar offered the man a position as master. Aesyn accepted, but not before being tested.

To start, Aesyn had to travel to orcish lands and collect various metals and jewels from the rocks in the area. He had help from various orcs in order to determine the correct ones, but it was simply enough. Upon returning to Silvermoon, he was charged with destroying Scourge Engineers and their meat wagons. Which of course, he was able to do with little problems. Afterwards, he traveled south to collect Holy Water from Tyr's Hand. Although he suffered a large gash on his back as he tried to escape, he managed to return with the liquid. Finally, he followed a group of adventurers into Stratholme and extinguished the holy flame in the chapel of Alonsus. This caused the spirits of five paladins to arise to fight Aesyn. Although the battle was difficult for the Blood Knight, he managed to banish them all. Returning to the headquarters, he was granted a beautiful white hawkstrider and given the rank of Master.

He was happy, but sad at the same time. His master would never have seen it come to pass. Afterwards, he traveled to the North to fight against the Scourge. Although he spent little time fighting, unless anyone told him to. He managed to come out of the battle unscathed and returned home. Recently, he has been traveling around Azeroth...

Skills and Abilities

Generic Paladin abilities.

Holy Fire: Most of his Light-based attacks come in the form of either a reddish-white aura or red-white flames.

Seal of Sacrifice: He can charge his attacks/spells with holy fire.

Holy Firebolt: Sacrificing his judgement spells, he has learned to fire a bolt of holy fire from his body.

Warrior of Blood: He is a talented swordsman, however he is sub-par at healing and protection. He may also light his or other's weapons on fire with holy fire.

Bloodstone: Learning of the bloodstone, he is able to place it within his sword, sending Light energies through it. It hardens and becomes more difficult to break, than without it.