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Player: Lunaxy

Character Full Name: Aenyn Sunrune

Character In-Game Name: Aenyn

Nickname(s): Gardener, flower-picker etc

Association(s): Silvermoon City, the Horde

Race: Blood Elf

Class: Priest

Skills and Abilities: Extremely skilled in inscription, capable of creating many different magic scrolls. Additionally, he's knowledgeable on the field of marks, runes and glyphs.

Skilled alchemist, Aenyn has certain understanding on a limited herbs and plants, as well as how to effectively use them. Still, there are many herbs and plants he does not even knows of.

Age: 188

Sex: Male

Hair: Long light blonde hair

Eyes: Fel green

Scale/Height: 1

Weight: 136lbs


Usual Garments/Armor: High quality, enchanted clothing which he uses both commonly and in combat. The enchantment on his armor just increase the overall resistance of his clothes, naturally not to the level of an armor, but they allow it to absorb more damage almost as if there was various and various layers of clothes within one. This allows him to not die with a single strike, basically.


Aenyn is simple sin'dorei by many standards. Not overly showy, arrogant and not even one to judge himself superior, he's one who's personality is far more reliant on his individuality rather than his race. While he spends the majority of his time within Silvermoon, he's not against any particular race, especially because of the Argent Crusade where he fought alongside different people regardless of their kind. He is, however, at unease when it comes to the Forsaken.

He follows a certain different lifestyle. Aenyn is not worried about making coin or becoming stronger, he's entirely disinterested in any of that. All he truly wants is to enjoy peace, for once without having it interrupted by a worldwide event. He enjoys spending a lot of his time in Silvermoon's gardens or even in the wilds, collecting different types of herbs and plants.

At the other hand, he too, enjoys a quiet office so he can practice his inscription. This does makes him appear as a bit of an introvert, but it's the opposite. Aenyn still enjoys partaking in conversations, regardless of the subject.


One day, an enchantress and an inscriptionist decided to pair together and use their knowledge on a purely business dedicated matter. Unfortunately for the inscriptionist, known as Lashrel Sunrune, he fell in love with the woman who he was meant to simply work with, known as Aelyn Sunweaver. After many months of being constantly tortured by how beautiful the woman was and how she couldn't possibly think of him other than a business partner, Lashrel finally decided to tell her about his feelings. Much to his surprise, she felt the same way as him and an inevitable love blossomed between the two. A long time after, and they gave birth to their first son: Aenyn Sunrune.

His childhood was a happy one, simply put. Since he could walk, Aenyn always seemed interested in the woods of his homeland, always playing freely under the careful yet relaxed watch of their parents. Following his mother's hobby, Aenyn often picked different kinds of herbs and brought it proudly to his mother. What the boy was truly interested in, though, was his father's job: Inscription. The couple ran a fairly successful business where the man would create magically made scrolls and the woman would place powerful enchantments on them, thus selling it at a fairly high price. This gave the family a sufficiently comfortable life so they could have another child and so, Ashra Sunrune came to life, a young girl with an extremely short-fuse of a personality.

What the couple didn't expect, however, was their business to become increasingly active, leaving little time for both of them to watch over their children. Thankfully, Aenyn was a fairly responsible young boy and he would always watch over his younger sister, especially when the two of them began to attend to a school in Silvermoon. While Aenyn was an example to others, being one of the top students in many subjects, Ashra was quite the opposite. In fact, it was rare when she didn't get involved in any kind of problem which Aenyn had to hurriedly fix for her.

Still, the siblings had a fairly decent friendship. Whenever Aenyn needed help, Ashra was always there to aid in any way; especially when the boy started delving into his father's profession, Inscription. Naturally, his parents wanted him to become an arcanist as well, possibly a Magister even. But Aenyn seemed disinterested in that. His true interested laid in two things: The nature of Quel'thalas and the magical scrolls he could create. The first scroll he created by himself was a simple one which when read, increased his stamina by a very small amount for a limited time, he'd often use these to increase his overall productiveness. His father was fairly glad that his son was developing abilities similar to his own. Aelyn however, was mildly displeased by Aenyn's disinterest in the arcane.

... And extremely disappointed with their daughter, Ashra. The younger sister was a problematic being, truly. She seemed to be completely disinterested in just about everything and nothing could hold her attention for longer than a few moments. While Aenyn was a focused and determined individual, Ashra was the opposite. That, at times, sparked heated discussions between the siblings where Ashra would constantly accuse Aenyn of being their parent's favorite, but it always ended with the two apologizing to one another. Ashra became a bit of an introvert, her parents disapproval likely being the reason. Meanwhile, Aenyn was quite the outgoing high elf. He met many different elves in a short period of time, even getting himself in a brief relationship with a gardener. This brief relationship, however, quickly turned into something serious; to the point that he'd even bring her home so she could meet his parents.

The gardener, Liviel Sunblaze, taught Aenyn many things about flowers and even passed certain knowledge regarding herbs to him. When he was a child, he'd always pick them for his mother, but he understood them. This sparked certain interest within alchemy which he gladly accepted - even delving himself into it, together with the inscription profession. It didn't took long for Aenyn, being dedicated and focused as he was, to understand much more about alchemy and even manage to make powerful potions. He wanted more, though, such as learning new recipes and how to craft his own, perhaps. At this time, the Second War had begun. The young man saw that as a perfect opportunity to better develop both his alchemy and his inscription, after all, a whole different land meant a whole different type of flora, but not only that - he truly wanted to help in any way he could.

Upon his arrival in Lordaeron, what Aenyn found instead was a whole new interest in something unexpected: The humans and the Holy Light. Aenyn had vaguely heard about the Holy Light, many of his kind worshipped it. Yet, it was never actively part of his life, at least until now. When Aenyn saw how the humans used it, he became far more interested in it. He began to seek more information about the Holy Light, especially from the human's view on it. A particularly old man decided to teach Aenyn about the ways of the Light, that it is a philosophy, training its followers to seek perfection within themselves. It is very much an active practice of virtue rather than a passive worship. He was taught about the three virtues and everything Aenyn learned about the Holy Light, made it better. It wasn't long before Aenyn began to practice it himself; in a few weeks, the young high elf could already aid with those wounded in battle, casting some healing spells. In his free time, Aenyn would focus on the study of alchemy and inscription.

It was only after Dalaran was destroyed that the high elf returned to Quel'thalas. His family seemed to approve him sufficiently, as did Liviel. The family was happy to have everyone together once again.

Their happiness lasted only but a short period, however. Arthas marched through Silvermoon with his almighty army of undead. Aenyn had been on the outskirts of Silvermoon at the time, when he heard and saw the horror spreading itself through the city. The man didn't hesitate, he swiftly made his way towards the city, destroying many lifeless skeletons in the way. He managed to get to his house in the right time to send a powerful holy blast towards a particularly disgusting creature which was about to crush his sister. Saving the young girl, he asked her about their parents. Her response already told him what had happened to them. Swiftly, the man began searching through the chaos for Liviel, endangering himself at the same time. When he finally found the woman, he truly wished he didn't. Aenyn only stopped crying over the woman's mangled corpse when Ashra forcefully pulled him back into his senses. The two fled Silvermoon together.

With Kael'thas return, the grieving Aenyn and his sister Ashra followed him. The following events were confusing, especially to Aenyn, the taking of Fel to sate their arcane addiction, for example, changing their eyes from the pacific arcane blue to the agonizing fel-green and the renaming of a whole race from quel'dorei to sin'dorei. Aenyn's faith was put at test and for a moment, the man nearly lost grip of the Light. It was only after the rebuilding of Silvermoon and the Blood Elves' now being part of the Horde that he managed to give himself a needed time to think everything which had happened to him and his kind over, gaining peace within himself once again.

Aenyn decided to leave Silvermoon and join the recently formed Argent Crusade. In there, he developed his abilities as a priest of the Light, both defensively and offensively. For years, he fought against the cursed Scourge which had taken his family from him, but always with the ambition of cleansing opposed to revenge. During his stay within the Argent Crusade, Aenyn learned how to wield a mace to amplify his offensive abilities.

Only three years after, Aenyn retired from the Argent Crusade and returned to Silvermoon. Shortly after, the Shattering began and Aenyn is yet to take any different course regarding it.