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Player: Inhibitor

Character Full Name: Aanya Ambersong

Character In-Game Name: Aanya

Nickname(s): None

Association(s): Sin'dorei, The Horde.

Race: Blood Elf

Class: Paladin

Skills and Abilities: That of a standard Paladin.

Age: 637

Sex: Female

Hair: Long light blonde hair pulled back and tied behind her neck.

Eyes: Fel-tainted Green

Weight: 130 lbs (58 kg)

Height: 5'9" (1.75 m)

Usual Garments/Armor: She normally wears armor, typically of any kind. However she favors plate the most, but she tends to lean more toward mail and leather armor for their maneuverability. When not combat ready, Aanya wears martial clothing. A remnant of her past life as a soldier.


Alignment: Neutral good (reluctantly).

Aanya Ambersong is a confident and proud Sin'dorei, taking honor in the aspects of herself. Her military background serves as a template that she uses to guide her life. Often tactically appraising everything she sees, even the personality and feelings of the people she meets. A fighter at heart, Miss Ambersong doesn't believe in laying down and giving up. She withholds pity on those that lack the ability to stand up and do something about their woes, no matter what their excuse might be. She can be cocky when conversations or battles tilt in her favor, almost holding herself over others. The initial cynical behavior she wields will fade when she sees someone of worth wade through it.

Aanya favors action over words. She finds little time to dawdle in social interactions when money is involved. Rarely does she take the time to get to know someone, for that only makes it more painful when they part ways, in some cases forever. In her line of work, strong ties and close friends are, unsavory malefactors. However when someone has proven themselves capable in her eyes, she will allow them to come closer to her, as if they were a part of her family.

Aanya possess a strong sense of leadership, which she commands when the time is needed. Usually someone else is in charge, and when they are she follows orders to the letter. However since being apart from any substantial military force for so long, she's developed a sense of awareness and will not follow orders she deems 'foolish' or 'unnecessary'. Even after going into the mercenary business Aanya still holds to her values of good, which is why she became a Paladin in the first place. With this burden to still do what is right she goes against every grain of what it means to be a sword for hire. Sometimes she will question the motives of the mission and even, in dire instances, forsake it all together. Two sides of one coin that some call a morally challenged loose cannon.

A cold and callused facade on the outside, Aanya strides forward through life's perils with a stiff upper lip, but on the inside she's a compassionate and tender being who wishes to be as heartless as others'¦ For conveniences' sake.


Although she is a middle aged elf, Aanya hasn't much noticeable accomplishments to show for it, despite seeing her fair share of events. She fought as a High Elf soldier along side the Alliance during the Second War, as part of the small 'Pittance force' Quel'Thalas had halfheartedly ushered forth. She survived the brutal fighting that ensued between the Alliance and Horde, mostly in due part of not having seen action in the battle that destroyed the Dark Portal. After the war and after the inadvertent betrayal of the humans which caused many High Elves to leave the Alliance, Aanya stayed with some of her Elven brothers-in-arms in Dalaran. This seemingly naive choice subsequently saved her life, as the Scourge besieged her home of Silvermoon shortly after. Having a deep sense of guilt for not being there to die defending her beloved city, Miss Ambersong set out to Silvermoon to help any survivors, if any were left at all. Only upon reaching Quel'Thalas did word get to her that Dalaran had been ransacked by the same force that committed genocide on her people only days after she left. Another bullet had been unintentionally dodged by Aanya, but at great cost to her emotions. A new hope came to her aid when in the ruined city of Silvermoon, Elves proclaiming to be under the command of Kael'thas Sunstrider rescued her. Upon explanation that she wasn't in need of rescue the Elves asked if she was willing to help evacuate the remaining survivors, which she agreed to without hesitation. After dawning the hallowed title of Blood Elf in honor of her fallen people and the retaking of Silvermoon City, Aanya was among the first to help rebuild the ravaged land.

Aanya stayed behind in Silvermoon while Kael and his forces ventured to Outland in search of a new source of magic. As she poured sweat and tears into the reconstruction of the cities walls and buildings, her thirst for magic tore at every inch of muscle and sinew in her body. Stubborn as she was, Aanya pressed forward, not ready to give up on her kind. Learning of Miss Ambersong's background, a member of the Farstriders offered to recruit her into a militia scouting party that would be sent out to the fringes of Eversong. Aanya accepted the offer, hoping to find solace in combat. Having fought their way through small pockets of Scourge, the militia rested near the border of Eversong and the Ghostlands. As they rested the Farstrider leader of the group spotted a lone human near the river. Asking for the two swiftest of the party to accompany him, including Aanya, they set out to investigate. As the three approached the Human he caught a glimpse of Aanya's armor in the shrubbery. The glint caused the Human to flee the riverside. With the element of surprise lost the Farstrider let loose an arrow toward the man, piercing his right thigh. As he collapsed in pain the group of Blood Elves descended upon him. The ranger placed his foot over the humans throat as he watched him squirm. From this distance the man looked more of a boy in his early twenties. Aanya exclaimed to her leader to let the boy go, having once fought along side his race. The two Sin'dorei shunned such pity, explaining that the Humans had labeled their race as "traitors". Aanya ignored such words, unable to shake her respect for the beings she had once fought along side of, and shed blood with. After those words the other Elf grabbed hold of her, pressing a knife to her neck. She forced Aanya to watch as the leader of the party slew the boy in front of her, driving an arrow into the Human's skull. He yelled that the Humans would do the same if they caught her in their lands. Filled with rage from the unprovoked act of cruelty Aanya disarmed the female Blood Elf restraining her and stood in front of the Farstrider. She quickly grabbed the Elf's bow and tossed it into the river. As it sank to the bottom of the stream Miss Ambersong walked away, abandoning the militia all together.

Why would someone needlessly kill an innocent being? Over a single word, a single title? Not even the label of "traitor" could stir Aanya to slay a former ally. But the words the two Elves spoke resonated within her. How could the Humans forsake what she holds in their favor, the honor of having fought for the same cause together.

Finally those words rang with a pitch of infallible truth: If her former allies could throw away what they once had, she could just as easily.

Now she rides for no banner or faction. Aanya takes contracts where she can, in hopes to prove herself as a formidable mercenary and eventually, prove a leader to her own band of fighters.

More recently Aanya has built a suitable reputation as a mercenary, and a fairly good one at that. During a particularly risky operation she met a Sin'dorei man known only as 'The General'. As the two worked together through that mission she noticed him becoming slightly more flirtatious than before. Though flattered, Aanya kept what needed to be done foremost in her mind. Then she had no intention of falling for this 'General' and instead resisted his suave and subtle charm. Both parted ways for a time before yet another mission brought them together. Aanya then found the situation humorous and played along. What could become of a little playful teasing?

As time progressed Aanya gradually weakened her defenses against his attempts. She had the upper hand in the situation and could simply walk away at anytime, or so she thought. With that she didn't much fall as she did a 'forced trip' for him. That was when she became serious about their relationship.

Now the two are together to this day, just as it should be.