Player: imagenashyun
Character Full Name: Agent Elsamina Hunter-Colemann (née Crews)
Character In-Game Name: Elsamina
Nickname(s): Elsa
Association(s): Stormwind Guard (fornerly), SI:7, Stormwind, the Alliance
Race: Human
Class: Investigator (Warrior), Noble
Age: 50
Sex: Female
Hair: Long, jet black hair, with a streak of gray. It is often tied to a braid and tucked into a fancy hairnet knitted with ribbons.
Eyes: Brown
Weight: 162 lbs.
Height: 5'6"
Usual Garments/Armor: When working for the Alliance Guard, Elsamina wears a white Stormwind tabard over a white blouse and black skirt if not a full, formal gown. Should she need to be out in the field, she will don Stormwind Army uniform as needed. She is otherwise a woman of taste, often dressed in simple but lovely gowns when not on duty.
Other: Elsamina looks different from her in-game model in that she is more buxom yet muscular, to fit the appearance of a matronly soldier and investigator. She also has a mole below the corner of her left eye.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Though battered by a long life of distrust, submission, loneliness, and death, Elsamina refused to submit to bitterness and hatred. Instead, she is warm, caring, and matronly towards those around her, even physically--she won't hesitate to give hugs if she feels the person needs it. Very maternal in spirit as well as identity, Elsa takes it upon herself to care and guide others in need of a mother or at least an elder sister.
She can be rather impatient and overbearing, however, especially towards the foolish young. Though slow to anger, once she is angry, she is furious. On occasion she'd be guilty of becoming the people she grew to despise by being imposing upon other people. However, much of her personal motivations in life is to care for those whom she fears will lose again, even if she has to resort to underhanded methods such as guilt tripping and intimidation.
A devoted follower of the King, Elsamina's loyalty is unbreakable. The King's word is final, and she follows the law by the book. Though capable of considering special cases, all must fall within the word of the mighty King Varian Wrynne and the Light. Her judgement is sound, but she will never defy the leader of the Alliance, especially considering the life her family led despite of her.
Elsamina was born to a family of wealthy soldiers and scouts who served as part of the standing army of Stormwind Kingdom, with both men and women who served kings of past generations. Elsa followed her family tradition by training to be a part of the military; however, she lacked interest in leaving Stormwind City. After training throughout her adolescence, she signed up for the Stormwind Guard as soon as she turned eighteen. Elsa remained headstrong and firm as a member of the guard, and she never questioned the justice behind her actions and the Guards'. Not even a young boy crying and peeing himself after stealing silver would move her resolve.
Not long after her career started, Elsa met a man named Derrick Hunter, a simple bartender. Drawn to the perceived simplicity of a poor man's life, Elsamina made regular returns to the tavern to see the man she developed an attraction for. The visits' frequency increased as time went by, to the point where all of Elsa's free time was spent with Derrick. Her family, who had much distaste for commoners, urged her to stop seeing someone as dirt-poor as Derrick--especially her brother, Parker, who had little tolerance for the common man. The courtship, then, had to be secret, and even Derrick's brothers were kept in the dark at risk of word getting out. As the First War broke out, Elsamina and Derrick remained strong as confidantes. Their love would not be severed even with a thousand swords as Derrick left while Elsamina assisted the people of Stormwind to Lordaeron. By the time they reunited, they married--even by going as far as to defy her family. Not long after, twin boys were born: Rudoff and Randoff Hunter.
Before the boys could walk or talk, the Second War broke out; though Elsa wanted to leave to fight with her husband, she couldn't leave their very young sons behind. Elsamina then went to Stromgarde to stay as close as she could with her husband while she defended the city as her sons stayed with a trusted nurse. Though the War was won by the Alliance, Elsa's war was lost: Derrick has fallen in battle, leaving her a widow and her sons--two years old and not capable of speech--without a father. Elsamina remained in Stromgarde to mourn... though her family, the Crews, saw this as a window of opportunity.
Throughout the Second War, the Crews family lost many of their own family members and especially their funds and estate. After a meeting with a Dalaran noble house, the Crews and the Colemanns agreed to set up their respective daughter and son to marry and unite the houses. At first, Elsamina was extremely reluctant to follow the marriage, especially so soon after Derrick died; though the Crews lost money, they didn't lose that much, and the Colemanns just wanted the connections the Crews can provide. It was until she met her groom, Gunther, that she decided to go along with the marriage.
There was, however, a catch: the Colemanns would not have a common man's children be taken into the noble home. Horrified by the prospect of having to be separated from her love's children, Elsa was ready to back away from the deal when she began to suspect that her own family was willing to kill her children if she refused to separate from them. With a heavy heart, Elsa thought of an alternative: drop the boys off to another loving home, where warmth and care could be provided while Elsa could visit as often as she liked. The plan seemed perfect, but disaster struck while it began: the couple they found didn't want anything to do with the boys, and not only were both sons picked up to some other place, but they were even separated. Elsamina could not forgive herself for even thinking it was a good idea, and she resolved to do anything she could to find her sons. After two years of searching, the trail turned cold. Not even Gunther, who supported and funded Elsamina's plan, was able to find any leads. The couple then relayed their personal searches to SI:7 as missing children's reports. As Parker, however, was also a member of SI:7, the reports were torn down, and the search stopped altogether. Elsamina, even then, counted the years of being without her sons, celebrating their birthdays with cakes she could not give to her boys.
Despite Derrick gone and the twins supposedly someplace else, Elsamina grew warmer towards her second huband despite him being drastically different. Deciding to start a new life, Elsa would attempt bearing Gunther's children, but she was never sucessful; ten years into the marriage brought only two miscarriages and a stillborn. Elsamina sunk into long-standing depression that resulted in her almost never talking to her husband. Worse, the Crews were idling and squandering the Colemanns' money while the Colemanns' were taking advantage of their connections to get away with shady activity. Elsa grew unhappier and unhappier with her family, eventually shutting herself off. When one crime from her family resulted in a conflict of loyalties, Elsa finally quit the Guard and retired for a time. However, by quitting the Guard, she was left without work... and more time to be stuck with her family. As her loyalties lied with the King, Elsa decided to turn elsewhere in order to work for the Alliance: by becoming a part of SI:7. As Parker was also an agent there, she made sure of herself that she worked in a separate division, and Elsa used the long hours of desk work and analysis to excuse herself from her family... and her husband. Elsamina then remained in the Intelligence as the Third War came. As a former guard herself, Elsa would analyze newcomers and assign them tasks between different divisions of the King's guard and agents.
Much to her shock, the Colemanns and some of the Crews have perished in Dalaran with the arrival of Archimonde. In great fear, Elsa ran home to Stormwind estate check on her husband, whom she felt guilty for neglecting; it turned out he was still in there, safe from Dalaran's fate. Elsamina mourned, but not as long as she would have for Derrick and the twins; they were so overbearing and controlling, she was honestly glad they were gone. With the estate fully in Gunther's hands, Elsamina worried less for the overbearing nature of her family, even though some--like Parker--was still around. Elsa continued to work for SI:7 as the war raged one, stuck in her life's monotony.
After twenty-three years of searching, wishing, and waiting--a lead of the location of her missing sons have arrived. It turned out that Rudoff and Randoff were taken to the Stormwind Orphanage under different names; Rudoff was taken to the Cathedral of the Light to be raised by priests due to his blindness, and Randoff eventually left the Orphanage at a very young age to become a paladin. Through the help of Derrick's surviving brother, Matthew, and good-hearted heroes who wished to reunite the family, Elsamina finally saw her sons, grown up and strong, for the first time in twenty-three years. Parker was arrested when he attempted to break the family apart again by attempting the murder of her husband, and the family was secure in Gunther's home.
Happy times did not last forever, however: the arrival of Deathwing nearly destroyed everything Elsa had. As the great dragon flew over Stormwind and burned much in his path, the Colemann estate fell victim to his fire. The fields were burned, the home was destroyed, and Elsa and her family had to flee for cover. Though Deathwing left a mark on the home, it was mostly the material possessions that were lost; the family, and most of their servants, survived. As Gunther would use whatever of the monetary estate left to build a new home, Elsa would return to SI:7 as threats in Elwynn would rise in the kingdom.
Born a soldier, now an agent, but still ever, and always, a faithful enforcing hand of the King's law. Many things kept her family apart, and by the Light, Elsamina will not let Deathwing and the wars keep her from her loved ones again.
Skills and Abilities
Despite her age and long retirement from guard work, Elsamina is well fit and strong. She can wield a longsword and claymore with strength and finesse, and she is capable of different firearms. She even learned to discreetly hide some weapons in her clothing in an event she would be attacked while supposedly unarmed. Her gown especially has been used to hide knives in her layers of clothing.
As Elsa has retired from guard work in the field, she has resolved herself as a mentor and teacher to future soldiers and agents. She assists mission control and analysis, using the information other agents and soldiers gathered to solve cases and enforce order in the Kingdom. Though no longer a guard, she relies on trusted soldiers and agents to do the field work for her.