Logan Thrasius

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Character Full Name:Logan Thrasius

Character In-Game Name:Logan



Race: Human

Class: Paladin



Hair:Dark blonde hair and beard


Weight:173 lbs

Height:6 foot


He is usually seen in some sort of Armour that he almost always wears. If he is not in his armour he is simply wearing a blue cloth top and bottoms with thin brown leather boots.

Personality: Logan is a Paladin through and through and will always fight the good fight. He will always strive to do what is right and will give his life for justice. However he often feels overwhelmed by all the responsibility that comes with being a Paladin and more often than not feels like he is in over his head. This then leads to confidence issues with himself. Logan also finds it hard to look anyone in the eye.


Alignment:Lawfully Good


Logan grew up in Northshire where all he wanted to do from a young age was grow up to fight in the name of justice. He always let his father know this and with what money came in from the harvest, his father would pay a sword trainer to come and show Logan how to handle a sword.

If Logan wasn't training or off on his adventures pretending to be a high-class warrior out to save the world from being overrun by evil, he would spend time with his best friend Elisa. They would go down by the nearby river and play in the water on warm summer afternoons and during the winter hide in the shelter that they made from ruined fur pelts and sticks. They were the best of friends.

Over the years, Logan and Elisa grew closer and they turned into more than just friends. They started a relationship and spent as much time together as they could. Logan's dad had started to make Logan help bring in the harvest since the age of eleven and all other time not spent with Elisa was Logan training.

At the age of fifteen, Logan learned of warriors of Light that went by the name of Paladins. Warriors that fought for justice with the mystical power of Light... Logan was in love from the start. Luckily for Logan the Priest that was staying in Northshire knew a Paladin that would be glad to teach him the way of the Light. Logan accepted immediately.

For the next few years, Logan went under all the training of the Paladin and gave it his all everyday. Even when he felt he had nothing left to give or that reading another book would drive him over the edge to madness, he kept running out of willpower. This will power was refuelled frequently by Elisa who would comfort him and always make him feel like he could overcome everything.

When Logan reached the age of twenty-one, he was close to becoming a full Paladin. But after another long day of study... The worst happened. Elisa was waiting for him outside his front door. From the moment he saw her, Logan knew that something was wrong and his heart sunk. During his training, he never once thought of how much stress all this was putting on his relationship with Elisa and Elisa herself. She told him that she couldn't take the stress anymore and the worry that would plague her mind whenever he would go off to fight for justice would be overkill. With a kiss and a short good-bye, a teary eyed Elisa walked out of Logan's life forever.

Logan pushed on with becoming a Paladin and finally become a fully fledged one. But he felt lonely and overwhelmed by his sudden status and his confidence quickly dwindled to nothing. Logan now wonders where his broken heart takes him, constantly at log heads with himself. He knows that what he is and what he stands for is right and just. But often wonders if it is what is right for him. This stops Logan from becoming one with the Light. He travels hoping to find peace.