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Player: Duraza

Character Full Name: Sylvos Irontalon

Character In-Game Name: Sylvos

Nickname(s): None

Association(s): Kaldorei, Darnassus

Race: Night Elf

Class: Druid

Skills and Abilities:

  • Blacksmithing - Sylvos has retained some of his blacksmithing skill, able to forge fine weapons and complete minor repairs to blades and armor.
  • Feral Might - After thousands of years Sylvos has become very connected to his cat form, allowing him to battle using it to the fullest. He also can use some of the other forms to some extent.
  • Weakened Druidic Magic - Due to his focus on shapeshifting Sylvos isn't capable of using much nature magic and barely has any restorative powers.

Age: 10,054

Sex: Male

Hair: Dark Blue

Eyes: Amber

Weight: 306 lbs

Height: 7'3"


Usual Garments/Armor: He normally keeps his hair in two braids, running down his chest. He's often found wearing robes or a simple kilt and possibly carrying a staff or a fist weapon of some sort.


Alignment: Chaotic Good

Above all Sylvos is loyal to the Kaldorei. He feels a great sense of pride in his race and the traditions they have built over the ages, though he also understands that sometimes tradition must be broken for the greater good. He has a deep hatred of the Orcs, Sin'dorei, and Worgen, as well as the Forsaken which are unnatural monstrosities to him. The Draenei are probably the only race that he respects outright for the help they have given the Kaldorei protecting the forests. He also sympathizes with their plight and considers them a noble race.

Sylvos is also quite devious. The many battles he has fought, especially those against the satyr, forced him to employ a different kind of tactic while fighting. He would rather tear at an enemy piece by piece than strike the enemy outright. This ideology towards fighting has reflected itself in his thinking, making him rely on cunning over all. He is not cruel to others because of this, however he often attempts to manipulate situations to his advantage. Only when he is surrounded by other Kaldorei does he ever seem to relax his control over a situation.


Sylvos was born into a world only decades away from being torn asunder. Still, his first few years were peaceful. He was a driven man and decided to take up his father's craft and become a blacksmith while still young. When the War of the Ancients came he hammered away day and night forging weapons for the Kaldorei Resistance. Once the conflict ended Sylvos was both relieved and disheartened. Though the Kaldorei had been victorious they now had two fierce enemies, the demons and the traitor Naga. The Naga had chosen their obsession with power over the people they were meant to serve as Highborne, and were willing to sacrifice lives to sate themselves. Sylvos hoped that such a mistake would never be made again, that the Naga would serve as a lesson, however his people were fated to disappoint him again.

To fight against the demons and naga Sylvos laid down the hammer of a smith to take up druidism. He went to the Emerald Dream to train and became a Druid of Claw, taking for himself the cat form. Druidism seemed like a positive step to Sylvos and he found comfort in its teachings, thinking they would help to keep the Kaldorei uncorrupted through the ages. But when the Druids of Pack lost their minds to the worgen form he was proven wrong. Any power can be sought after for the wrong reasons and become a destructive force.

The worgen made the War of the Satyr a conflict not unlike the battle against the Highborne in Sylvos' mind. Again, Kaldorei wanted too greatly for power and both the satyr and Kaldorei worgen became foes equal to the Naga in his mind. At first it felt like he was fighting his own brothers and sisters, but he learned. Those who would go to such extremes could not be considered Kaldorei. They had to be treated without mercy. The satyr were brilliant foes and to face them equally Sylvos became cunning. Unable to match the worgen's brute force, he found that the use of trickery in battle would even the odds. To survive the war he was forced to hone his mind, making him a man of devious intellect.

While Sylvos did not agree with the decision to let the worgen sleep eternally inside the Emerald Dream, he accepted it as possibly the only option. He was still weary from battle as were many others and wiping out the worgen might not have been as easy as he would have liked. Once the Highborne were exiled Sylvos returned the Emerald Dream. He awoke again to fight in the War of the Shifting Sands against the Silithid and Qiraji. Then he slept until the druids were awakened for the Third War. The Azeroth he awoke to after nearly a millennium of sleep was entirely different than the one he remembered, with new races battling against each other. But some things were still the same. Demons still threatened Azeroth and he fought to see that they wouldn't succeed. However, unlike his battles eons ago, the battle at Hyjal did not restore balance. Instead the world grew more twisted. The world tree was destroyed, the Lich King rose up, the Forsaken came into being, and the Emerald Nightmare was gaining momentum in the Dream. Even the once untouchable forests were waning and with so many foes Sylvos did not know who to fight against.

He decided that as a Kaldorei his first priority had to be his own people and their lands so he remained in the forests, fighting to keep them healthy and to destroy those who threatened the area. He also took trips into the Emerald Dream when he could to help his fellow druids. Things continued this way until Deathwing emerged and took flight across Azeroth. When the worgen joined the Alliance and the Highborne returned to the Kaldorei Sylvos was infuriated. Yes, the times had grown hard and the battles ahead wouldn't be easy but to accept traitors and monsters was a level of desperation he could not agree with. The Highborne were banished for a reason and bringing them back now could just lead to another disaster.

As for the worgen, he did feel some sympathy for their situation. It was not the Gilneans' own fault that the curse spread among them. However, the only path they could take in his mind was the path to a cure for the worgen curse. Accepting it meant accepting a monster they could never hope to fully control and their deaths would be preferable to letting them run wild. The Kaldorei worgen who had recently awoken could not be allowed to live, no matter how few. They were just as bad as the Satyr or Naga in Sylvos' opinion, after all. But, the unbalance they caused to Azeroth could more easily be controlled because most of them still slept in the Dream. Additionally, the risk of letting the remnants of the Druids of Pack roam free, potentially thinking of ways to release their sleeping brothers and sisters, was too great.