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Player: Saronsen

Character Full Name: Saronsen Illat

Character In-Game Name: Saronsen

Nickname(s): Saron

Association(s): The Church of the Light, Stormwind.

Race: Human

Class: Paladin

Age: 25

Sex: Male

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Brown

Weight: 230

Height: 6'3

Skills and Abilities:

  • "That wasn't even a flesh wound!": Saronsen wears heavy armor. Very heavy armor. He simply cannot avoid attacks, but he excels at absorbing the damage. Not only that, he has grown very tough over his life, making him a sturdy and long lasting opponent.
  • Heroic Resolve: Saronsen shines when things seem darkest in combat. He simply refuses to go down, even when his armor is destroyed, and his body broken. He will keep standing up to face his enemy, so long as he still draws breath, and there are people he needs to protect.
  • "By the Light, be purged!": Forgoing specialization in healing, and non-offensive magic, Saronsen excels in using the Light as a weapon. Be it a bolt of the Light directed at a single opponent, or a brilliant divine storm, with golden blades of Light swirling around him, he is a very dangerous force for the unholy, indeed.


  • "What do you mean, I'm bleeding?": In combat, Saronsen seems to either ignore, or entirely blank out the part of his mind that registers pain. While this could be seen as a strength, it could cause to the receiving of mortal wounds without even realizing it, leading to death.
  • "I'll distract them, run!": Saronsen will always try to put the safety of others before his own in dangerous situations. Often, he will put himself between his allies and the enemy, standing in the front. Other times, he will attempt to take the hit for them. If things look bad, he will try his damndest to be the last person remaining, ensuring others have made it to safety before he has fled. This near-suicidal tendency to ensure others safety can lead to receiving more wounds than necessary, or even death.
  • "...How do you heal so easily?": Sub-par, good enough, crappy, or, just plain sucks. However you want to describe it, Saronsens healing is not the most efficient. Wounds heal more slowly, and more damaging injuries, he simply cannot heal fully. While with some effort, he can keep one from dying of their injuries, they must seek more professional healing to recover fully.
  • "I am not that stubborn. No, I'm not!": When Saronsen has his mind set on something, it's nearly impossible to keep him from trying to attempt to do it, so long as he sees it's possible. Is that small horde of undead chasing that innocent person? Surely he can take the damage and get out, ensuring the other persons safety. Oh, is that a frost wyrm? Surely those claws won't tear through his plate like pa- Ouch. He will often charge into a fight with the odds pushing against him, leading to injury, annoyed allies, and on rare occasions, a chance at death.
  • "H-Hey! Wait up already!": Saronsen is tough, for sure. His plate and chain is even tougher. And heavy. While he can gain momentum to break into a stomping run, that takes time. And effort. In combat, he simply has no time to avoid quick attacks, and will do his best to not be crippled by it. Slower attacks with heavier, or larger weapons give him only a little time to get out of the way.


Saronsen wears bright, white armor, but it is not uncommon to see him in other gear. The white armor is kept clean, and even polished to an extent, but it bares the scars of battle. His armor is heavy platemail, proving to be resilient against most physical attacks.

Other: Saronsen wears his heavy armor very often, and has grown used to the soreness it would generally cause him before. Because of this, his body has altered in shape just slightly from the heavy metal set on it. While it's not immediately visible, his skin and muscles are slightly indented around the shoulders, upper arms, and back, since most of his heavy plate is supported up there. There's also indentations around his calves where his boots are usually at. Not detrimental, but they are there.


Alignment: Lawful Good

Courageous, strong, and perhaps a little bull-headed. Saronsen is what you might expect from someone attempting to be the hero. Perhaps he doesn't intentionally try to be the hero, so much as it's an internal instinct to do so. When he is relaxing with friends, or just on his own, Saronsen is laid back with a light sense of humor, happy to share a few jokes, and some stories with others. When others need help, Saronsen is more than happy to give them aid, be it money, healing, or assistance carrying heavy items. In combat, he's serious, a change from his normal personality. In fact, he seems a little angry if he's facing Undead or Demons.


Saronsen was born to Rebecca, a barmaid, in the city of Andorhal. The pregnancy coming as a bit of a shock, and a wake-up call to his mother, she opted for a more suitable choice of work- Carpentry. As Saronsen grew into his early childhood years, he would often be seen helping his mother in her work, be it carrying wood to her, or fetching tools. At the age of nine, he actually began helping her build. It was also around this time Saronsen was often caught in fights. It wasn't exactly his fault, as he was usually trying to protect others from bullies. Every other day he would come home with a new bruise, or a small cut. But Rebecca was understanding of what he was doing.

Instead of a spanking or reprimanding, Saronsen would receive a hug, and perhaps a pat on the head. "It's good, Sarrie, that you protect others. I know you don't start the fights. At the very least, end them so you, and the ones you're protecting are safe." As Saronsen grew older, he lived by those words. Protect others. End the fights so everyone is safe. Being involved in his mothers Carpentry work, Saronsen was already stronger than most of the children of his age, and his presence alone would usually end up with fights being avoided. Time to time though, the bullies would team up to jump Saronsen. Instead of fighting against them, he took the hits until they were pleased, and returned home beaten and battered. "Why didn't you fight back?" his mother would ask.

He'd return with a slight smile, "There was no one for me to protect. If I fought them, we'd just be hurting each other. At least when I'm hurt, others don't have to be, right?" Rebecca would pat him on the head, like always. and send him away to clean up.

Come Saronsens thirteenth year, he had began talking to his mother about becoming a Paladin. The tales of those heroes of the Light always brought a smile to his face, and lit a fire beneath his heart. With his mothers blessings, he was sent on his way to Stormwind to begin his training.

Life as a squire was as expected. Tough, hard, and at times just dull. The first couple of years was menial labor. Clean this, carry that. Clean that too. Physical training came along soon enough, and that's what Saronsen excelled at. While being a little poor with maces, he was naturally gifted with bladed weaponry, more specifically swords. While he had great talent with a one handed blade, he was too offensive to even bother with a shield. Through months and months of training he finally got the idea, but his master came one day, around his fourteenth birthday, with neither his shield, nor longsword, but a claymore. That was also the day Saronsen broke the old training dummy with said claymore.

Saronsens training in the Light began soon after. The basic blessings, healing. He was 'okay' with these. But when it came to offensive spells, he excelled. Be it his physical strength, or just his will to be stronger than others, he was a veritable powerhouse with offensive spells - at least, for his skill level at the time. He often bested his peers in combat, but when it came to healing the bumps, cuts, and bruises, he was a little lacking, having to take much longer to return to peak condition.

The third war came some time after his sixteenth birthday. Together he and his master rode to the kingdom of Lordaeron, though a little too late. The capital was destroyed, and the defenders scattered. They hooked up with one of the larger platoons, searching the ruins for survivors, and offered their aid. This went relatively well, as the soldiers were grateful for the healing, as well as the two Paladins that excelled in smiting undead- Until an Abomination rolled in. With a swing of it's hooked chain, and the cleave of its axe, Saronsens master was dead in the blink of an eye. Despite the sudden rage coursing through him, even he knew it would be stupid to try and kill the Abomination. All he could do was grab his masters dropped blade, and run with the soldiers.

Saronsen, after his short battle in the area surrounding Lordaeron, had been given the status of Paladin, only at seventeen years old. He knew the essentials as a Paladin should- Attitude and how one should act in public. Every day prayers. He had covered all of the basic spells and abilities, while being a few steps above others in offensive magics. While he had not mastered everything, he was indeed growing into a fully fledged Paladin. But did he even deserve to be given the title? Was it worth it, after his master had died, and his hometown of Andorhal had been demolished? Was his mother even still alive? For several months these thoughts weighed heavily on Saronsen. Slight bouts of depression, a bit of self-loathing.

Time passed, and Saronsen eventually moved on. He continued training, doing small deeds for people. He wasn't involved in much of the events over the years, and not even going to Outland. He remained near Stormwind, and helped others. But that urge to fight and protect grew over time. Saronsen put on his armor, and left to Northrend along with many soldiers, to battle with the scourge. While he didn't make a name for himself, he was quite the morale boost when he hooked up with smaller platoons that patrolled the frozen wastes for stray undead, offering quick disposal of ghouls and zombies, and healing for the wounded.

While Saronsen always had a fair amount of tolerance for the Horde, he always mistrusted the Forsaken, and for good reason. They were undead. The events at the Wrathgate confirmed that they shouldn't be given another chance. They killed the Alliance, and their own allies in the Horde without remorse. While Saronsen doesn't outright hunt the Forsaken now, it's not unlikely for him to seek to destroy any he encounters - at least, any caught alone.

With a couple of new scars and some battle experience, Saronsen returned to Stormwind, to await another major event. Though that doesn't mean he remained inactive. Now and again he would offer his aid in the Plaguelands, and in Elwynn he'll often walk with the guards patrolling the roads, and usually helping them arrest highwaymen, bandits- Mostly Defias.

Recently, Saronsen has met his father, whom of which he had never known up until now. Matthew Hunter, a veteran of two wars. While perhaps a little bitter, Matthew is more honorable than he lets off.

Today, Saronsen still has heroic tendencies, though they're often minor. He still has a bit of a thick skull, and is stubborn, but he's not entirely lacking in common sense.