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Player: Kimaira

Character Full Name: Nehemia Downlight

Character In-Game Name: Nehemia

Nickname(s): Magebane

Association(s): The Undercity, Cult of the Forgotten Shadow, Royal Apothecary Society.

Race: Blood Elf

Class: Death Knight

Skills and Abilities:

  • Leather Specialization: Nehemia prefers leather over plate to promote his agile and nimble fighting style, allowing him to utilize leather armor to be a better extend. As a drawback, he isn't as skilled in wearing heavy armor, and wearing plate would slow him down.
  • Agile Swordsman: Nehemia utilizes agility and speed in combat, his nimble fighting style may make him faster than typical death knights, however his fighting style sacrifices strength to favor his speed.

Age: 467

Sex: Male

Hair: Dark

Eyes: Glowing Blue

Weight: 78 kg

Height: 201.5 cm


Usual Garments/Armor: Leather armor infused with his runic powers for lighter weight and intimidating ceremonial mask.

Other: Dual-wielding one-handed runeblades.


Nehemia reflects his emotions through his memories of the past, creating artificial feelings to promote his "humanity". He longs for a reason to his existence, and a meaning to his return to the world. Thus he wants to assist the Forsaken in their goals, so he'd have something to fight for in his damned existence, whilst pursuing his own agenda. Nehemia still caresses his elven kin, understanding that his direct involvement with them would bring sadness to those who he caressed among them the most, and due to the close ties with the Forsaken and the Blood elves, he finds it fitting to at least assisting the Forsaken, indirectly resulting in helping of Sin'dorei. He doesn't care much of his fellow Death Knight's or the Ebon Blade, and finds them only a machination of hatred without real purpose. To Nehemia, remembering his former self is as much of an importance as understanding what he is now, thus he attempts to follow the patterns he had in life. To him, every worthless inhale or exhale of air is a sign that he is still being him, Nehemia Downlight, a man who takes great pride in his servitude. As tapping into Arcane brought great deal of trouble to his race, Nehemia grew under the illusion that it was the very usage of the arcane that deals trouble, blaming the arcane and believing that as long as it is being used, such great misery would be bestowed upon either them or some one else, again. Thus he believes that ridding the world of arcane's users would remove the cycle of trouble.


Nehemia was born to a loving, typical High Elf family. He began assisting with the households chores, and admired the high elven warriors. When he finally became of age, he enlisted himself to the military.

Thus begun his servitude to his kin. He practiced swordsmanship, and attempted to affiliate with magics, but without success, as he was incapable of controlling the arcane magics. Thus he remained no more than a mere swordsman who typically was placed into guard duty, but his heart still carried the tabard of Quel'Thalas with pride. When the Second War fell upon the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas, Nehemia remained stationed in the Silvermoon city, where he felt helpless being able to defend his kinsmen at the borders. Years later, all changed when the Scourge took its sights on Silvermoon and the Sunwell, and Nehemia had the chance to carry the banner with pride to the battle, but when the Scourge advances to the inner gates of the Kingdom, Nehemia fell into darkness.

Years later, when the Scourge bred the third generation of Death Knights, Nehemia awoke as a servant of his former enemy, only to be aware that he new lacked free will, and was chained to the very army that had taken his life. Against his will, he charged along the other Death Knights of Acherus to Light's Hope Chapel. Upon the incident, when Nehemia's will returned to him, he immediately set forth towards his homeland.

Upon arriving to the ransacked Quel'Thalas, he found out of the ill-fate of his kin. He was saddened to see that the race he held so much pride in had fallen to such level, and that the term Quel'Dorei was nothing but a relic of the past for most members of his race when he walked upon and saw the wretched and the Dead Scar, and in his mind all the mischief and ill-fortunes that ever occurred to his race was purely no more than the effect of tapping into the Arcane, which lead the Scourge to assault Quel'Thalas in the first place. In this illusion, he slowly started to blame the existence of the Arcane for any trouble ever occurred to his kin, and slowly started to believe that if no one would ever use the Arcane again, such miseries could be avoided.

He wanted to assist the Sin'dorei as much as he could, but he soon learned that his presence only caused pain to old friends, and especially to his mother. Not to mention some of the populace still did not accept his presence, considering he was raised to be an agent of the Scourge.

He still understood that he required a haven, and soon learned of the Forsaken. He traveled to the Undercity with haste, only to pledge his loyalty to the Banshee Queen. The Forsaken were cautious of the approach of elven death knight, but accepted his pledge. Thus, Nehemia started as an Errant to the Royal Apothecary Society, and later on was called forth by the Cult of the Forgotten Shadow, only to serve as their agent as well.

Soon, Nehemia realized his swordsmanship, no matter the new powers of the Death Knight, did not suit his personal nimble fighting style he was used to. So he threw his plate mail away, resulting him returning to leather armor he once loved. He began training his swordsmanship the way he was used to; promoting speed and agility over strength, only to mold his new powers as a Death Knight to match his skills with swords.

Soon he became in good terms with the Undercity, only to swear allegiance to the new found brothers and sisters of his. He found a place of acceptance, and assumed the tabard of the Undercity. Now, loyal to the Banshee Queen, Nehemia serves under her banner whilst pursuing his own agenda in between.