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Player: Rosencrat

Character Full Name: Lucrezia Potts

Character In-Game Name: Lucrezia

Nickname(s): Lucy

Association(s): Curwen

Race: Human

Class: Ghoul (Death Knight)

Age: Died at twenty-seven.

Sex: Female

Hair: Bright red, though slightly dulled by undeath.

Eyes: Red pupils with black sclera.

Weight: 157 lb

Height: 6’3"


“Usual Garments/Armor:” Even in death, Lucrezia has an air for the aesthetically pleasing.

When serving, she wears old burial clothes stolen from a noblewoman. The black and silver clothes, in their prime, were beautiful and meticulously kept. Now, after a year molding on a corpse, they are thread-bare and faded. Despite their age, they still have signs of finery.

When in combat, she wears thin plate mail over her finery. The plate has been scorched pure black. Though durable, it does not offer the same protection as solid plate. What the armor lacks in defense, however, it makes up for in maneuverability.

Other: Because of her resurrection process, she is covered in necromantic runes from the collar bone down.


In life Lucrezia was an egotistical harlot who put her own desires above any other. She ate only sweet food, bedded only partners that had pleasing appearances and wore only the softest, silkiest of clothes. She took in drugs, smoke, drank and generally pushed herself towards an early grave.

Risen from that grave, however, and her priorities have changed. Though she now puts the pleasure of her master above all other, the simple-minded ghoul still has an insatiable lust for sensory pleasures. Despite her dulled senses she hungers for pleasing sounds, sights, food and surfaces. Combat and bloodshed are now a twisted form of pleasure for her, the simple act of moving and cutting exhilarating to the ghoul.

She has no loyalty save to the man who raised her, Joseph Curwen.


Lucrezia was born to a loving and well-established farming family in Redridge. Though eager to instill in her a hard work-ethic and a respect for the comfortable position she was born into, the untimely death of her younger sister ensured that she would grow up with parents who were only too eager to soften harsh punishments for their one and only daughter.

Despite the soft treatment, her parents were firm on one point: Lucrezia grew up working the land. For years Lucrezia remained an austere farm girl, tending to the hard earth. She whined incessantly and, every chance she got, skipped out to lounge about in town. Though gifted and with a pleasant enough demeanor, the willful redhead continuously skirted failure by doing just the bare minimum of work required of her.

At 17 and with little prospects beyond serving as a farm hand for the rest of her life, the well-muscled farmer’s daughter enlisted in the Redridge Militia. For six years she trained as a foot soldier, finding a simple pleasure in swinging and hitting things.

During her six years of service, however, Lucrezia suffered beneath a harsh code of conduct. With little free time and no allowances for failure, Lucrezia grew increasingly strained. Soon she began to slip into alcoholism, sneaking the precious booze to combat the stress of constant work. The booze destroyed her work mentality and it wasn’t long before her commanding officers began to notice.

At twenty three Lucrezia was ejected from her military position. Dejected and with only her deceased parents land, the ex-guard sold the parcel and all her parents belongings. With a tidy sum in her hand she retired to Goldshire, where she lived well outside of her means. The woman drank, fornicated and used drugs with reckless abandon. When her savings ran out she turned to conning, seducing married men before robbing them blind.

This sinful behavior carried on for four years until she began to blackmail the men she was seducing. One of the men, unstable to begin with, took a knife to the girl and ran her through. She died shortly after.

At twenty seven Lucrezia Potts was put to rest in Goldshire’s Cemetery. And it was in this cemetery, four months later, that her body was exhumed with others. With the least decomposition of them all, her body was re-built by the mad necromancer Joseph Curwen.

Now an eager ghoul with only a faint memory of her past life, Lucrezia seeks to continue her sinful ways in the name of Curwen and his will.

Skills and Abilities

Undead Might – Because of the extensive repairs on her body and the lack of extreme decay, Lucrezia was resurrected with a complete and well-defined muscular system. Her strength is augmented by her undeath, allowing her to lift upwards of a hundred pounds without much effort for an extended period of time.

Hand-Eye Coordination – Her muscular system allows her to use fine motor skills. She is able to use weapons and jump without much effort.

The only difficulty she has is partial decay in her brain, damaging the cerebellum to the extent that her reaction time is slowed somewhat.

Flesh Rot – The necrotic energy that powers the ghoul can be channeled into her hands. The ghoul is capable of laying hands on a target, causing entropy for as long as they remain in contact.

Unending Endurance – Without a heartbeat, lungs or an internal system, Lucrezia can survive in situations where the living cannot. She does not require rest, food or water.