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Player: Hexproof

Character Full Name: Lizbeth Hartford

Character In-Game Name: Lizbeth

Nickname(s): Liz

Association(s): The Silver Hand

Race: Human

Class: Paladin

Skills and Abilities:

Light Warrior: Lizbeth specializes in combat against undead and demonic beings, to the point that she has outright mastered certain "upper tier" abilities, like Turn Undead and Holy Wrath. The downside to this, is that it's to the detriment of her less specialized abilities. It takes significantly more focus and concentration for her to apply any sort of offensive Light ability against a non-fel, non-undead being.

Nothing About Kneecaps: Lizbeth is an adept subdual fighter, and is capable of using nonlethal combat techniques with bashing weapons (Like clubs or hammers) and her own two hands, specifically tailored towards either placing her opponent into a submission hold, or breaking limbs depending on the severity of the situation.

Age: 25

Sex: Female

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Blue

Scale/Height: 0.9

Usual Garments/Armor: Lizbeth usually forgoes armor in her day-to-day operations. She does tend to keep it with her, but by and large she prefers simple, comfortable garments in her usual comings and goings.

Personality: Lizbeth is fairly easygoing most of the time, more prone to discussion and diplomacy than aggression. She's tolerant and curious about other faiths, though her own belief in the Light stands unshakably firm, but she isn't so blind as to assume the faiths of others are false. After all, she lives in a world where Priestesses of Elune and Orcish Shamans have power all their own.

She's what many would call a stalwart optimist, refusing to let her hope for the future die. This stems less from any real naivety and a lot more from how much she's lost and seen lost in her lifetime. This hope, this "unsettling cheerfulness", remains because Lizbeth believes it's more important than anything else to be that light in the darkness. She sees the world as it stands as a fairly bleak and dangerous place, but a place that can recover nonetheless.

Lizbeth has a strongly held belief in pacifism, to the point where unless given absolutely no other options, it's incredibly unlikely that she will slay any living being. Undead and demons, on the other hand, do not fall under such good graces.

History: Lizbeth's life, had it gone as expected, would have been a very different one. Born a bastard daughter to a mother in Dalaran, the girl could have grown up to be a fairly talented mage, but such was simply not to be. Her mother was a fairly talented battlemage, but when the girl was merely five, her mother never returned home to her daughter. The girl spent some time in an orphanage, before finally she was claimed by a relative. This man was not her father, but her brother instead, taking the girl from the city of magic to a place far to the north, a monestary in Lordaeron.

There, the girl began to study and learn of the Light, under the care of priests and priestesses. She took it all in, taking the teachings of the Three Virtues of the Light to heart, and growing wiser and stronger with each passing year. Her brother (technically half-brother), a Paladin with the Silver Hand, would write to the growing girl as she learned to read, and as she reached a reasonable age, the girl set off to become a Paladin's squire, following in the footsteps of the only family she had left.

It was this decision that may have saved her from the Scourge, for she was far away from her homeland when it hit. Still, war was war, and even she didn't escape it without loss. By the time she finally headed back towards home with her teacher, she found nothing but corpses (Both walking and otherwise.) and heard nothing from her brother. The letters had stopped, and Lizbeth, for a time, could do nothing more than keep going. She had her training to finish, and her skills to perfect. She swore to herself then, however, that she would never tear a family apart in this way. She would, at the very least, always seek another way.

But the Undead weren't the sort to be reasoned with, and Lizbeth had no compunctions about putting those beings back into their graves. She kept going, eventually becoming the Paladin she is today, wandering and doing the best she can for the world, with what little tethers she still has.

Her order is dead, her relatives slain or missing, and the Cataclysm has rendered the world in a worse state than has been seen in centuries. But the Paladin has what she needs: Her unshakable hope for the future.