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Player: Kepora

Character Full Name: Kared Scarhorn

Character In-Game Name: Kepora

Nickname(s): Kepora

Association(s): Alliance, Horde, The Protectorate

Race: Tauren

Class: Hunter

Skills and Abilities: Engineering, Blacksmithing, Mining

Age: 21, closing in on 22

Sex: Male

Hair: Black mane and facial hair, black body hair/fur.

Eyes: Golden yellow

Weight: 693 lbs.

Height: 7'8"


Usual Garments/Armor: Sleeveless black mechanic's shirt, dark blue leggings with padded armor and storage compartments, Gnomish mechanic's gloves, a pair of green-lensed goggles and a wrench.

Other: Tends to carry a wrench for most applications (including minor fights), but has a pair of cleaver-esque swords stowed away both at Ratchet and Booty Bay that he can bring should he anticipate a fight. Recently he has adopted a polearm as well.


Alignment: Chaotic Good

Kepora is an unusual Tauren, to say the least. Clean and well-kept (by Horde standards, at least), he tends to try and maintain a calm, laid-back mood (though he's still subject to occasional temper flares, a natural trait that he does his best to control). He'll gladly converse with Horde and Alliance races alike, caring not for long-passed grudges and wars, focusing instead on the here, the now, and the foreseeable future. Another unusual trait is his affinity for engineering and machinery, which most of his kind looks down upon; using the Gnomish ideas of quality-over-quantity, he went to work crafting various gadgets for his allies an himself, the most prominent being his armor and weaponry, which he smithed, machined, and assembled himself.


Born to the Scarhorn bloodline along with his sister over half a century ago, Kepora had a rocky relationship with the Tauren Elders from the start. The Shaman present at the birth of he and his sister foresaw a prosperous life for Attara, but in Kared he sensed the spirit of a stray. A black sheep, even; befitting of his dark coat. He saw that he had great potential, but he must be carefully guided if he were to be a functional part of the herd. Naturally, Kared's father was infuriated by these accusations and nearly began a fight with the Shaman, his wife ending the altercation.

The years passed and Kared grew, displaying signs of the Shaman's warnings as soon as he could crawl, often finding ways to escape and ending up in the woods or following passing caravans. At this point, Kared's father began to heed the shaman's warnings-but not his advice. He soon became extremely strict with his son, delivering harsh punishments for the smallest of infringements. In fear, Kared soon began to straighten up, repressing his desires-what he KNEW he wanted-in favor for trying to make his father love him. However, the improvement wasn't enough; whereas Attara was able to grow up as a normal Tauren, her father expected and accepted nothing less than absolute perfection from his son, pushing him ever harder and harder.

Kared's future as an engineer began to make itself known in his early adolescence, often offering to aid well-diggers, tent-builders, and other such hands-on and construction tasks, the mind-exercising activities of even basic physics problems like these intriguing the Tauren and leaving him wanting more. It only took a couple of years for him to draw concern from many in the herd, though, when he continued to go on about how the wells, elevators, and the likes could be improved through the use of more complicated machinery. Kared's logical and inquisitive nature soon landed him in hot water when he began questioning the abilities of the Shamans and the Druids, doubting their intelligence in the matters of magic and druidism when they couldn't give clear-cut explanations. He was soon chased down by a small group of the magic-users, whom were stopped outside of Stonebull Lake by Kared's father. Though the druids and shamans had left, Kared was no safer. Before he could even thank his father-let alone explain himself-his father commenced the worst beating he had ever given his son, nearly going as far as drowning him in anger, only stopping when Attara head-butted him in the small of the back.

Age Thirty-two at the time, Kared openly-and quite loudly-renounced his family's name. Depsite his father's protesting about his age, Kared was fed up; he gathered his things and left his family, moving further North in Mulgore. He passed what would become Thunder Bluff, but it wasn't far nor secluded enough, so he continued towards the Red Rocks. Along the way, he came across what looked to be a foothold in the side of the rockface. Then another, and was worn-down, but someone had carved a crude stairway up the side of the cliff. Having nothing to lose, the young Tauren made the hard climb, finding an empty cave-and near the mouth of it, more of the steps. He climbed further, nearing the peaks of the mountains between Mulgore and the Barrens when the land flattened again. He found a might tree, unmolested by sentient hands, and large rocks stained with old paintings. He followed them North, coming across an abandoned Tauren home. The food long spoiled and rotted away, the few remaining belongings covered in dirt and dust, Kared-whom had now taken the title of Kepora-turned the old shanty into a proper home. With his technical knowledge, he was able to restore it without the aid of other Tauren, and his home soon became a workshop after he finally visited Ratchet and began receiving proper engineering training.

Years passed, the young Tauren happily tinkering away in his hidden home, no parents nor elders to tell him his way was wrong and their's was right, no Quilboar or Harpies or Centaur to attack him...he had finally found peace. One fateful day in his forty-third year, though, put an end to this; while working off of a schematic he had acquired for a mechanical squirrel, he accidentally struck sparks and hit a rocket, the explosive shooting straight through the roof and detonating in a brilliant display. He knew that the Elders would send warriors to investigate, so Kepora grabbed his most valuable belongings and ran to the highest point he could access. It took hours for the other Tauren to find his home, but when they did, all he could do was watch from afar as the warriors-his father included-wrecked his shop, breaking his "foul machines" and taking whatever they found to be useful for their own purposes. His home wasn't burnt down, though; apparently the old tauren whom had lived here was highly respected. That was a feeling Kepora wish he could experience: respect. Hell, just a little appreciation, an acknowledgement of some sort...

Knowing that the herd was no longer his home, he carefully climbed down the other side of the mountains, venturing to Ratchet once more. Eventually he worked up the money and the courage to ride to Booty Bay, the two port cities essentially becoming the Tauren's homes over time. Growing further from his kind's ways, he began to live by his own prerogative, venturing further into both Horde and Alliance territories, expanding his technical knowledge under the guidance of (primarily) Gnomish engineers in Booty Bay and abroad, his travels also teaching him the hardship that the great divide between Alliance and Horde created. He is more than willing to help someone in need, be they human, tauren, dwarf, elf, or whatever else.