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A once proud woman who trained in the guiding path of her Father's footsteps to become a Paladin. Now she is a Death Knight, neither dead nor totally living, caught in limbo between her conscience of The Light and the reality of what she is. She follows what she remembers of The Light with a zealous code, as a means to atone for what she has done, and a way of coping with the atrocity she now knows herself to be. Her code is both just and extreme in measure; Protect the innocent by slaying the wrong, no matter the crime.


Julianah 2Finished.png

Player: Inhibitor

Character Full Name: Julianah Graven

Character In-Game Name: Julianah

Nickname(s): N/A

Association(s): Humans, The Ebon Blade, The Alliance, The Argent Dawn (Formerly).

Race: Human

Class: Death Knight

Age: 29

Sex: Female

Hair: Mostly white ponytail, with natural light blond colored strands.

Eyes: Lambent Sapphire (Runic)

Weight: 145 lbs (65.77kg)

Height: 5'9" (1.7526m)

Alignment: Chaotic good


Julianah adorns herself with plate armor, some of which is still the dreaded dark armor she received from Acherus. She often dawns a heavy and blackened hood, showing only her pale neck and lips in a tenebrous hue, her glowing blue eyes all that can be seen from thereon.


Miss Graven is a tactician, she is neither quick to battle nor quick to sit idly by. She will often stay from the heart of combat, instead, one would find her where she could flourish; on the fringes picking off the enemies' ranks one by one. She respects an individual's freedoms and freedom of choice. However if that choice is to do another wrong, she will not hesitate to slay them immediately. Being one honed in the light in her past life, Julianah seeks righteous and deliberate ends to despicable means, trying to rid part of Azeroth's taint as an act of redemption for her past sins.

She sees the world as black and white, good and evil. There is no space in betwixt right and wrong. She defines her actions as the epitome of justice and vengeance for the innocent. If one is to kill a fellow being, that is all she would need to strike that person down. Hardly will she delve into the reasons behind such actions, knowing that it might sway her decision and compromise her code, her vision of justice in absolute.

Other: Julianah favors the Unholy aspect of the Death Knight teachings. She enjoys being able to slay targets without using physical force.



Julianah was born and raised on a moderate sized plot of land in Westfall shortly before the start of the Second War. Her mother died of birth complications in the minutes after Julianah was born. Her father, Viamar Graven, was left to take care of her and the land. Growing up, Julianah learned to take care of herself and her duties on the farm at the same time. She often went without a meal, and even sleep, to help her and her father make a subsistence living.

When times weren‘t as rough, typically during the spring and fall, her Father would take her out in the fields and practice swordsmanship. After she became proficient in combat, Viamar began to teach her the ways of the light, much like his father had with him, in hopes that one day she too may become a honorable Paladin.

After several years of a peaceful existence in Westfall, a group of three men suited in full plate regalia came to the farm. One of the men wearing a holy tabard asked Julianah for her father. As she went to fetch him, Viamar had already left the stables on horseback. Among his belongings he had various pieces of luggage and what looked like mail draped over the back of his horse. She questioned her father, tears welling in her eyes as she looked up at him. He told her that he was going away with these men, and if he had it any other way, he'd of stayed with her here. Julianah somehow knew deep down inside what was going on, that her father was going off to war just like he told her he had before she was born. Her father then told her to pack up her things, sell the livestock, and travel to Stormwind where she would receive proper training to become a Paladin. He then reached from behind his saddle and pulled out a sword. It was the family sword, handed down to her father by his father before him, and by his father before that. As Viamar let go of his possession to his daughter, he leant down to her and whispered ‘Strike down your enemy with it's blade, and aid your friend with it's hilt. Protect this sword as it protects you.'. With that the four men rode off, and so went the last glimpse Julianah ever saw of her father.

A Call To Serve

After Julianah traveled to Stormwind and acclimated to the demands, or lack thereof, of city life she ventured to the Cathedral of Light, where she was ushered in for training to become a Paladin. From there on she was taken under the wing of one of the senior Paladins and taught the ways of the Holy Light. Years of hard work and practice poured into her studies and at times the grueling work seemed to not be worth the endgame. However she endured the trials of becoming a Warrior of the Light and in time became one in the process. After she finished her studies and became a full fledged Paladin she entered the world anew. She grew her skills further and helped the Cathedral devotedly.

A time had pasted and Miss Graven seemed to be out of demanding tasks, until news spread that there was a call that requested more aid in the Eastern Plaguelands. Heeding the call for help from the Argent Dawn she and a handful of her brothers and sisters of the Light ventured north. Several days after arrival, Julianah and a band of Argent Dawn soldiers were sent to scout the area north of Darrowshire. As the company waded through the toxic filth and pestilent forest, they were unwittingly being stalked by Scourge forces. The undead nipped at the company‘s ranks and teased them into an impasse. There the group found themselves with their heels against Corin‘s Crossing, one of the few places neither Light nor Nature dare to tread. With no other alternative the band chose to stand their ground and fight.

Lights Last Breath

The Scourge tossed themselves at the group over and over to the point where each man's shield began to bend around their arm. After what seemed like an eternity of brutal fighting, the Scourge mounted an assault at the company's rear flank, from Corin's Crossing… Whoever were still standing were cut down in a matter of seconds, and whoever lay on the ground were butchered like wild animals. Julianah and two other Paladins held off the undead for as long as they could, but it wasn't enough.

Graven was knocked to the ground from a thunderous blow from behind, her helm rolling on the ground beside her. Her hand exhaustingly let go of her sword, the one her father gave to her all those years ago. She slowly moved her trembling hand, convulsing by the adrenaline flowing through her body and the inherent fear of battle. Her mail-sheathed finger tips clamored for the blades hilt, clawing along the desecrated ground she now lay upon. Then she felt a hard thud plant in the middle of her back, followed by a bony hand grasp the back of her blond hair. The hand hoisted her head up, exposing her neck. She bared her teeth as she kept one eye closed tight while the other stayed open. Julianah felt the presence of a blade draw itself to the far side of her throat. She could smell the deep irony stench of the blood, that once kept her slain brothers and sisters-in-arms alive, on the decaying sword. Before whatever foul abomination that stood atop her could finish the execution, something commanded it away. As the Scourge let go of it's grasp, Julianah's head collapsed into the ground, a final gasp of air escaped her lips as darkness seeped into her vision.


As she awoke, she didn't know if she was alive or dead. She didn't even realize if she was laying down or standing up. Then she felt a dull sensation inside her core, almost like a spinning vortex viewed from afar. Then the feeling throbbed back to its full force. Excruciating pain shot throughout her as she screamed herself awake, she was still alive. Something tore inside her veins with a burn that magma itself couldn't bring to bare. It was as if something was shredding her blood vessels into ribbons for the entire length of her body. Julianah opened her eyes as she reeled from the agony. Her body trembled uncontrollably as she tried to find out where she was. Julianah saw tables next to her, each one filled with a body undergoing the same process. She always though the dead were unfortunate, unable to see or feel or touch. But she was wrong, the dead were the lucky ones. . .

Once the extensive and horrifying process was over, Julianah Graven was now a Death Knight. Everything she held dear; Her memories, her identity, even the Light itself was drained from her. With unholy energies now flowing within her, and her body still wracked with pain, she was sent out to do her new Master's bidding. No longer was it the Light, but the Lich King that guided her path now. She was commanded to slaughter innocents by the dozens if not hundreds, lay siege to settlements, even murder Paladins that she knew, that her father knew. Then she marched against Light's Hope Chapel, the very place she meant to help. There in that battle she was freed from the Lich King's control as he was defeated, there she became a Knight of the Ebon Blade.

Since being freed from the Lich King's control, Julianah has developed a profound respect for freedom and the freedoms of others. She now wanders the world with a zealous code of what good and evil is defined as and what punishment the wrong doers deserve. Following the guidelines of what she recalls the Holy Light to be. Even though the Light has already abandoned her, she is unwilling to abandon the Light.