House Sunsong

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Head of House: Aryeon Sunsong

How did the family rise to nobility?: House Sunsong traces its roots and ancestry back to the days of the Highborne Antiquity before the Sundering. As members of the magical elite, they were among the most gifted arcane users and were held in high regard throughout the Highborne Empire. When the Quel'dorei made their Exodus across the sea, the Sunsong were one of the most vocal supporters of the Dath'remar and rallied many fence-sitters to the cause.

After the nation of Quel'thalas was founded, the Sunsongs continued a position of luxury as among the premiere arcanist families. Their fame and reputation brought them many young aspiring magicians, and under their tutelage they prospered. However, the house was cursed with tragedy soon after the current heir, Aryeon Sunsong, took control of the family. Returning from a decades-long disappearance to replace his deceased father, Aryeon attempted to rein in his family's exuberance and hedonism to little avail. Seeking the help of his younger brother Urameil, who dabbled in the darker arts of magic, a curse was put on the family to force them into obedience; instead it killed most of them. After Aryeon exiled his brother, he destroyed all evidence of the tragedy and went into seclusion. The legal deeds locked away where only Areyon could find them, House Sunsong vanished into obscurity for centuries. The current political climate of Azeroth however has convinced Areyon to rebuild the house's name and wield his influence for the good of the Sin'dorei.

How does the family sustain its wealth?: Prior to its initial collapse, House Sunsong maintained its wealth through exuberantly costly private schooling in the arcane arts, and economic investments in market shares. Following its collapse, Aryeon had all its assets locked away, including both credit and physical goods. Over the centuries the stockpile has diminished, though Aryeon has been conservative with his spending and saved his own income. When the house is restored, Aryeon hopes to rekindle the prestigious arcane schools at a more affordable cost.

What sort of assets does the family have?: Sunsong Manor resides on a modest stretch of courtyard. They own no mines or other sources of natural resources, the yards being just that. The family is currently in the process of being rebuilt, and so they have no true guard force or private army. The manor itself is more or less an Elvish castle, walled off from the world and composed of many towering spires. Its most reputable resource would be its libraries of magic texts. Currently, Aryeon is in the process of re-obtaining the estate after centuries of being repossessed by the elven government.

What is the family known for?: House Sunsong's reputation during its glory days were both full of praise and gossip. They were praised and renowned for their Highborne heritage, their close connection to the founding of Quel'thalas, and the prodigious arcane talents of their family members. The gossip that surrounded them mostly involved the family's hedonistic and extravagant lifestyles, which was full of indulgence and decadence. The Sunsong were also notoriously shut-in, creating an air of mysttery around them from the lower classes. After their destruction, rumors spread over what curse befell the Sunsong, and its recent resurrection at Aryeon's hand is creating quite a stir as a result.

How old is the family? How long has the family been nobility?: The Sunsong history traces all the way back to the Highborne empire, though their status as nobles did not begin until after the settling of Quel'thalas.

Is the family open for members to join?: Yes, to a degree. The surviving Sunsong family members are few and far between but possible. Positions for vassals and associates however are always open!